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The whole Legacy and Avengers sat in the large dining room, a banquet of food was laid on the table, the two generations kept a distance between them, the Avengers along with Loki sat on the right side while the Legacy sat on the left, Pepper served the last tray of beef stew before sitting down beside Tony.

"Um," Pepper motioned to the food "You kids can eat now."

Before Vicus could grab a large portion of beef Vali immediately slapped his hand off causing the older asgardian to retract in the process

"Forgive my cousin's informalities." Vali apologized

Vicus glared at Vali before looking at the food once more "But this is food! I remember the days when we would feast in the golden halls of Asgard along with the heads of the ones we captured in our hunt!"

Vali shook his head at his cousin as everyone began to pass over the food, the tension and awkwardness could be felt in the table as no one dared to speak out just yet, Alex slowly passed the chicken to Carly as he noticed Pepper or his mother staring at him, he met her gaze and gave her a subtle smile which released the tension in her and returned it

"So you kids are from the future, huh?" Pepper wanted to start a conversation between the two groups and mostly to get to know about the future

All of the legacy looked over to Alex so he could answer a questions he glanced at his teammates before realizing what they meant and quickly swallowed what he was eating

He smiled "Yeah," It was obvious that the young Stark was nervous as he rubbed his palms up and down his lap "Trying not to die and all that."

Pepper felt a shock of worry and pity surge through her, she knew it was a mother's instinct but never did she know it would occur this way

"It's really not that great there Mrs. Stark," James added and shot Alex a look in which he nodded at "So we are really overwhelmed to receive such hospitality."

"We never expected to even eat decent food anymore," Flint chuckled in which the other legacy warmed their smile at "We're really grateful."

Clint flashed his son a smile in which Flint appreciated and returned, a small silence occurred once more as they gave the kids a chance to savour the food in which they did

"You kids deserve it from what we heard," Steve started that earned everyone's look "You needed a break from all of that, you're all so young."

Thalia chuckled "No offense captain, but we're on our 20's, kinda makes us adults now."

Steve shook his head with a light chuckle "And I'm what? 80?"

"And we're a thousand years old so yes, you are mere children in our eyes." Thor added as the Legacy decided not to question any further

"So how do you do it?" Everyone's attention darted to the billionaire who was sitting on the head of the table with Alex in the opposite "How'd you maintain everything there?"

Alex knew it was his to answer and so he fake coughed before straightening in his seat "We managed to create bases, our main one is in Mississippi, it's where we all stay and the largest one, it's filled with civilians–"

"Elara handles the base in Mexico along with Stefan, Dr. Strange's son." He finished deciding to not to go into full details

Tony furrowed his eyebrows "Only her and a sorcerer?"

Alex nodded "Stefan is strong enough, they have a few of the remaining SHIELD agents too, the base there is small, just a simple stronghold, when it's full Stefan opens a portal to us for the civilians."

Legacy [1]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora