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"Hold it, pretty boy." Strange said as he stood in between of the two teams "This will not turn out good alright? By killing them you'll create a much more dangerous path for the future, and when that happens no one will be able to protect it."

The neon guy then slowly lowers his repulsors as he looked at Doctor Strange

"Did you just say you were from the future?" Rhodey asked as if though they were crazy

"Who's who from the future?" Bruce slowly stood up while he rubbed his neck as he waited for an answer

The brunette girl sighed and nodded "Yes we are."

"Who are you then?" Natasha directed his question at the armored boy who seemed hesitant to even answer the question

He sighed "Alexander Edward Stark at your service."

He sarcastically bowed as he rolled his eyes, definitely not happy with how the events just changed, Tony backed up as his eyes widened and stared at the boy who was in front of him

"Before you ask yes, I am your son and we're called the Legacy," Alex replied

Natasha slowly lowers his gun as they stared at the Legacy in front of them, are they our children? She asked herself

"You?" Thor pointed at the two boys they faced "What are your names?"

The blonde boy griped his sword before glancing at the black-haired boy beside him

"I am Vicus of Asgard, Son of Thor." Vicus introduced

"And I am Vali of Asgard," The black-haired boy said "Son of Loki."

The two gods looked at each other thinking the same thing, this was all too much, is this why Heimdall wanted the two of them to come down instead.

"James Rogers," The boy with cap's shield said before anyone asked, "Creepy we know."

"Emma Banner." The brunette girl said and glanced at Bruce

"Diana Maximoff"

"Flint Barton"

"Carly Barton"

"Thalia Romanoff"

"Ethan Romanoff"

"And this guy is a simple hostage," Alex said as he motioned to the guy chained up beside Ethan who was struggling to get out of his grasp

The Avengers seemed dumbfounded, they can't possibly believe them in an instance, these were their children from the future, did they actually have a peaceful life for once that they all decided to lay low and start their own family?

For a moment everyone stood there awkwardly silent and stared at the others, they noticed all of the similarities but wasn't fully convinced unlike Strange who was certain of where they're from

"Look, we didn't come here to prove our heritage." Emma started off "There's only one reason we came and that's to kill all of you."

The Avengers gave the brunette girl a confused look, if these were their children then why would they kill their own parents? It didn't seem to make any sense for them

Bruce slowly stepped out as he stared at the girl "Why would you kill us then? Why kill your parents?"

"Because all of you took over the world." Strange finished "You were known as The Hunters, not the Avengers."

It didn't seem possible, they all knew for themselves that they couldn't do that thing, aside from Loki of course but that's what they're defending it from, they knew they couldn't possibly be the ones they're trying to fight against

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