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Alex settled in the room that was given to him, he snooped around checking out each furniture, it was exactly like the Tower he was raised in except there were some few modifications and the technology was far more evolved there. 

He grabbed the clothes that were neatly folded on top of his bed and changed into the jeans and red shirt, he smirked slightly, even before I was born, red seemed to rule, it was without a doubt his favorite color and now he knew why. Alex extended his arm and watched as it began to be covered by the suit, he sighed in relief knowing that there were no major damages.

"Great one you got there." His head whipped to the doorframe in an instance to see Tony, his father leaning and watching him, Alex looked him up and down before placing down the old clothes he wore

Alex stood by the window as he merely watched the sunset "Hyperpulse armor mark 47."

Tony smirked before nodding to himself, he was not great at engaging in a conversation especially with his son, he already got that part. Tony walked slowly and sat on the edge of the bed joining Alex on staring out into the wonderful view of New York.

"Impressive." Tony praised "What's happening there?"

Alex turned to face his dad and my did it soften his heart, the urge to run into his arms and hug him but then they both knew it would be extremely weird in a situation like this.

He shrugged "End of the world."

"Obviously." Tony quipped as he rolled his eyes "I mean what have you left there?"

Alex stared at him for a moment before sighing briefly, he really wants to know about the future somehow.

"Well, my sister, brothers, mom, the techs, my suits and probably you guys," Alex answered before staring back outside the window

"Hold on." Tony stood up and furrowed his eyebrows as he stood beside Alex "I've got more children?"

Alex rolled his eyes "I'm the oldest, Elara who's a year younger than me, and the twins, Anthony and Antoine."

Tony somehow felt the urge to chuckle as he crossed his arms, Alex gave him a look of confusion as he tried to comprehend why the hell his father was laughing without no reason.

"I actually decided to lay low." Tony said "Your mom? Pepper?"

Alex nodded and chuckled "Elara takes after her"

Tony looked at the Alex and realized that all his features came from him, the kid was a walking clone

"You do look like me you know." Tony motioned to his appearance

Alex rolled his eyes "Wait till you see Antoine and Anthony,"

The armored avenger chuckled before saying something he immediately regretted

"How old are you guys?" Tony wanted to mentally slap himself for asking that question, he was surely becoming weird with all the questions but Alex didn't actually mind any of it, he was even glad that he was concerned about them and their well being.

"Just turned 25 a month ago, Elara's 24 and the twins are turning 18 next month." A small frown appeared on his face as he realized that he won't actually be there with them as they turn 18, he wanted to so much, he wanted to surprise them but then the world was ending anyway so they had no absolute time for it

Tony nodded and made a mental note of it "I should probably give you some time, also I'd have to tell Pepper, or your mom if you'd like to call her that. She'd have my head if I don't call back any time now."

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