The Bracelet.

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This is a true story from my life. As a result of being verbally abused by a school teacher at a young age, I have struggled for years with feelings of uslessness and failure. But a few weeks ago, I was given a gift that will forever be a symbol of hope for me...

Happy Birthday

I was going through a time when memories of the past were returning to me, memories that I had been unaware of for years. Each memory brought back the emotions I'd experienced as a nine year-old, at times nearly overwhelming me. The emotions of hurt and brokeness were real once more. My birthday quickly approached, and I didn't feel like celebrating it.

But this didn't stop my wonderful friend, and she soon came over with a bunch of snacks and a gift. She told me that she'd felt that the bracelet charms were significant, and the moment I opened it, I knew why;

The Cross; A reminder of how God saved me from the depression and hopelessness.

The Anchor; My God holds me up when the wind and the waves hit. He held me tight when the anxiety attacks hit.

The Leaf; The regrowth of my confidence, the lifting of my life from the ruins. He filled me with joy, chasing the darkness away.

The Key; A promise and hope for the future. I may have been broken once, but the greatest treasures are found in the ruins.

I wear the bracelet as a reminder of these things, a reminder that no matter how long the night is, morning will come. I know. My night lasted three years. Never have I thought something so small and simple could mean so much, but I will never forget this precious gift...

Thank you, my friend, for reminding me that morning will come.

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