"Let me carry my daughter," David asked, almost begged as he extended his arms. I scuffed. As if I'd put her in the hands of the man who is the reason her life is hanging in the balance.

"No," I lowly said. "You're her dad as much as Katherine was her mother."

David's features hardened. "Don't you talk about her like that, boy. She's my daughter and if I want to hold her then dammit, I'll hold her-"

"Can both of you put away your brass balls for two seconds so Cat can get the help she needs?" Liam snapped, causing David to narrow his eyes at me before he approached the door, scanned a tattoo on his hand that I'd failed to notice, before the heavy duty doors slid open.

I wasted no time hurrying through the doors and into the building that oddly looked exactly like a hospital despite its cold exterior. "We need help, she's been shot!" I yelled. Luckily, there was a team waiting for her just like David had said there would be. The only reliable information he'd given us.

I instantly laid her down on one gurney as Liam laid Mason on another. A male nurse scrambled to put an oxygen mask on her as he barked orders, but I didn't hear him. All I focused on was Cat and how the color was slowly draining from her face.

"She's not breathing. We need to stabilize her and prep her for an emergency operation. Let's go, go, go!" He ordered as they started moving her unconscious body.

"Wait, she's not breathing?" I frantically asked as I tried following her only to have another male nurse stop me.

"Sir, she's in critical condition and-"

"Yes, I know! But that's my girl, I need to be with her-"

"I understand, sir, but you'd be putting her in even more danger if you followed her. The doctors need to focus on her and not be worried about you, okay?"

I looked over his shoulder and watch her disappear around a corner before I locked eyes with him once more. "If she dies, I don't know what I'll do," I softly said as tears starting welling in my eyes once more.

"I promise you that we'll do our best, okay? But for now, I'm going to have to ask you to sit down and let us do our job," he said before he patted me on the shoulder then hurried to catch up with his team.

I took a deep breath and turned around to see that Liam was gone, undoubtedly by Mason's side since he wasn't in such a dire condition like Cat was. That left me, David, and the lady behind the reception desk. David was sitting in a chair with his head in his hands crying.

No. He didn't get to cry. This was all his fault. If he wanted to cry, I'd give him something to cry about.

Despite the voice in my head telling me that this wouldn't make things any better, I grabbed David, picked him up, and punched him in the face as hard as I could.

"Ow, River, what the-"

Punched him again.

And again.

And again.

I only stopped when blood was leaking out of his nose and staining his teeth and by then, I was breathing harsh, uneven breaths.

I was glad the receptionist knew not to get involved because I was a ticking time bomb ready to go off on anyone and I meant anyone.

I let David go and let him fall on the ground. He spat some blood onto the ground and didn't look at me. I crouched down to his level. "If my baby girl dies, you're next." That was all I said before I got up and went to wipe my bloodied knuckles on the suit I'd forgotten that I was wearing but stopped when all I saw was Cat's blood.

I bit my bottom lip to prevent myself from breaking down before I looked up at the directory that was hanging from the ceiling before I found my desired destination.

As I walked, I numbly started stripping out of my blood soaked clothes until I was wearing nothing by my dress pants. Then it was in front of me: a simple pair of wooden doors that was supposed to hold my peace and state of mind. I honestly found it kind of funny that the Silencer's had this in their hospital as if He would listen to our problems after all the wrongs we've all done. But Cat says that He forgives and delivers, so I guess we'll see how true that is.

As I walked into the chapel, a relaxed feeling instantly washed over me as the calming scent of lavender invaded my nose accompanied by soothing lowlights. The room was small with only three rows of chairs each only three chairs wide. In the front of the room was a statue of Jesus on the cross with a stain glass window on either side of him. There was also an alter in front of him with candles and a Bible.

I felt a bit out of place, but I forced my feet to carry me to the altar in front of the statue before I got on my knees, rested my elbows on the empty space on the altar, and clasped my hands together then closed my eyes.

I took a deep breath.

"Hey God. I know it's been a while since I've properly done this or whatever but I uh...I need your help. Badly. I know I've done a lot of messed up things in my life, but I had to in order to survive but...okay I know you don't want to hear excuses so I won't give you any. I'll just cut right to the chase. The girl I love more than anything is in one of these rooms dying. I barely survived Gracie and Bryce, so if you take my Caterina away from me..." I trailed as tears slid past my closed eyes. "I honestly don't think I'll make it. And I want to give her everything she deserves. God, she deserves so much, so please let me give it to her. I promise I'll leave this life behind and I'll do right by her but I just need you to let her open her eyes and be okay.

"I need Mason to be okay. He's survived a lot and I know he can survive this too. I know people say you don't like gays, and that might be true but I don't believe that. So just please...please just let them come out of this. Their my family. Please. Uh...amen I guess."

I opened my eyes and looked at the Jesus statue in front of me, knowing that He might be the only one who could bring my Cat back to me, and if He held grudges against my past discretions...

I pushed the thought away though I could hold my tears at bay. So I didn't try to.

I pulled my knees to my chest and I sobbed.

For Cat.

For Mason.

And for myself.

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