Chapter 3: Rehearsing and Helping Out.

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After the girls stretched for rehearsals, they got up and were ready to rehearse for the group dance while their moms were watching as Gianna had come in a few minutes ago to play the music and they began to dance under the eye of Franklin and Abby. Kendall wasn't using her facial expressions.

"Kendall, you have to use your facial expressions, that's what wins first place at competitions!" Franklin yelled, pointing out that Kendall was not using her expressions because they were the most important part of dances.

"Turn your leg out, Maddie!" Abby shouted, then Jill and Kelly came downstairs.

"Abby, why isn't Kendall getting a solo?! She's near the top of the pyramid!" Jill roared, she was still upset that Abby hasn't given.

"I'm in the middle of rehearsing, can you two please go back up to the viewing room?" Abby asked, then an argument broke out between her, Kelly and Jill.

Franklin looked over at the girls and they had known that drama was happening between Abby, Kelly and Jill with upset looks on their faces, he saw Mackenzie plugging her ears and Kendall looking like she was about to start crying and Franklin had a irritated look.

"WILL YOU TWO CRAZY STAGE MOMS SHUT UP?!" Franklin yelled, causing.

"You stay out of this, surfer--" Jill shouted, but Franklin cut her off.

"SHUT IT! Let me tell you two something, i used to dance for Abby and I remember how it affected me to have the moms shouting in the background, so if you claim that you're doing this to help your daughters, you're obviously not!! so quit ruining your daughters because Abby is trying to get them ready for the real world!" Franklin snapped, really annoyed at Jill and Kelly, who left without saying a word.

"Thanks for shutting up those mothers, i'm glad i have you helping out because they drive me crazy every single time we rehearse!"

"They've must have been raised in a mental hospital except for Holly, she's the calm one." Franklin stated as Abby busted up laughing at the part where he said that the moms except holly was raised in a mental hospital.

"That was a good one, Franklin!"

"Yep. Abby, do you mind if i give nia a private so she could learn her part for the group dance?"

"No, i don't mind, maybe you can help her out on how she can straighten her legs." Abby said, then Nia headed to Studio B to learn her part in the group dance after Abby told her that she was gonna have help and Franklin ran in to Holly.

"Hi, Holly."

"Hi, Franklin. I'm very happy that you're actually gonna help Nia with her part in the group dance for the upcoming competition." Holly told him.

"Thanks, i've always loved to help other people out when it matters the most. I'm gonna go to studio b and help Nia."

"Ok." Holly said as she saw Franklin walk in to Studio B.

"All right, Nia. You ready to learn you part in the group dance?"

"Ready, willing and able. Before we get started, do you want to see a cool dance trick that i learned?" Nia asked Franklin.

"Show me this trick that you can do." Franklin replied, then he saw Nia stand still then she jumped backwards and bended her knees before she hit the floor with her arms open wide, Frankln's jaw slammed to the ground.

"Wow.....what kind of move was that?"

"That is called the death drop. I learned the move from Laquifa and did it in my solo called working girl." she explained.

"That is amazing! You're a real talented dancer, now i want to show you a trick that i've learned from Abby." Then he kicked his leg up high and held it as he did some turns, stunning nia. "That is what's known as a kickspin."

"That's really cool, i've got to learn that, Franklin!"

"Nia, here's how you do a kickspin. First you kick your leg up and hold it for as long as you can and then you do some turns to make a kickspin." He instructed.

"You mean like this?" Nia did a kickspin cleanly, stunning Franklin while Abby and Holly were watching and even they were amazed.

"He still can pull off that kickspin i taught him years ago. Maybe i can ask him about putting that in the group dance for the other girls to do as well." Abby thought to herself as he was teaching Nia the moves and also taught her how to straighten her knees.

"That was amazing! you're learning very quickly, Nia." Franklin said.

"Thanks for the comment." And after an hour of teaching Nia, he dismissed her and then he was deep in thought about something until a voice interrupted his thoughts.


Franklin turned around and saw Jill with a present in her hand. "I just wanted to give you a present, since you were helping Nia with her part, maybe you could help Kendall?"

"Hey, Jill. Thanks for the gift and i appreciate it, but Abby told me how you used to do that so that kendall would get special treatment and i'm not gonna fall for it. I would give Kendall what she deserves, based on her dance abilities, not the gift you give me." Franklin told her, not falling for the sucking up trick as Jill rolled her eyes at him, but he accepted the gift and it was a rolex.

Throughout that day, Rehearsals went smooth and even though some of the moms tried to start some mess, Franklin was there to make sure that peace was maintained in the studio and the girls learned new tricks from Franklin and with Abby's permission, they could add those tricks in the group dance. He eventually helped Kendall with her facial expressions.

"I'm so glad you came to the studio, with you around, maybe the moms won't give me any grief with their constant whining and complaining." Abby told Franklin and gave him a hug.

When Abby hugged him, Franklin felt a certain type of electricity. An unusual electricity that he usually felt whenever he hugged his former dance teacher or accidentally touched her when he was little and even Abby felt that electricity from Franklin's touch.

Then they went to their homes for the night.

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