Happy Women's Day and Happy Greek Halloween !!!

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Hello miraculers ! So , since today are 2 specials days I decided to make a part of kinda a party , because there are no spoilers and I'm to anxious for Oblivio and I can't think of theories , so this is gonna be a party part , because today the female gender is having a celebration and for Greece , it's the day that most of Greeks celebrate our Halloween , it ends on Monday ( freaking Monday , that's why everyone hates you ) 

Anyways , today in this part I'm not only gonna put music , but I also gonna do some reveals ... I will reveal my name and since it was Halloween and we had a party at school , you're gonna see me with my costume and with a mask of course ! And you're gonna see my friend since the beigining of middle school Hidden Ghosty with a mask of course ... 

I'm gonna start with the reveals ... So my name is Stephanie , I don't have a problem calling me Stephanie in the comment and you can also call me Steph as well ! Next , my kinda reveal ( you can't see my whole face as I told you I wear a mask ) 

And here's Hidden_Ghosty :

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And here's Hidden_Ghosty :

So this is us ! And if you looked close enough , my one boot is not howit had to be

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So this is us ! And if you looked close enough , my one boot is not howit had to be ... Just see the bottom of the 2 boots and you will understand what I mean ( that happened while I was walkig ) .

And as you see , I have curly hair and believe me my hair is Bermuda Triangle ... You just don't want to mess with my hair , they are alive ... Me and Hidden_Ghosty scared 18 people , and that's the spirit of this celebration !!! The strangers just looked at us as we were walking home , even though we did nothing ... For those who celebrate Halloween at any cost , Greece is the oposite of it , we just dress up and that's it no trick or treat , and you don't scare people , but Hidden_Ghosty and I are sick of this Halloween celebration  and we try to bring the spirit of the way Halloween had to be celebrated , like in America ! 

Now , Disney Channel was ready to give me a heart attack the title was Chat Noir sees Marinette de-transformed and I was like ... SPOILER !!! But it was from Weredad ... DISNEY CHANNEL BE MORE SPECIFIC !!! 

Anyways , I promised you a party and here it is , let the party begin !!!

That's the party ! I'm gonna say right here the YouTubers :

Everything Black : MiraculousLovePairings

Irresistible : IluminosityLen

Girls : MiraculousLovePairings

Boom Clap : jewellangela

Born to be yours : Princess D Va

Rewrite the starts : jewellangela

Blank Space : Master Leah Gamer 

Sk8ter Boi : Master Leah Gamer 

Your Goodbye : CUTEMangle14

Hey Juliet : KimChanx3

That's for now miraculers !!! Stay miraculous ! Bug out !

Miraculous Ladybug and C(h)at Noir SPOILERS AND THEORIES #2 !Where stories live. Discover now