Theory of Adrien getting Ladybug's miraculous

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Hello miraculers ! While I was searching , I found 1 spoiler and 1 theory , but now let's write this one ! It's by FUN WITH ZIRACULOUS , make sure to subscribe on her channel . I won't put the video , because I think that for a while I've been putting a lot of videos and it's kinda unfair . Since this is little and I can actually express it with my own words then I think that I can write it , I mean why not ? 

So we've all seen that Brazil's Comic Con released a photo where there's a kwami swap between Adrien and Marinette . Now we will talk for Adrien , because he's the one who's having a problem with Ladybug's miraculous ...

As we all know Adrien doesn't have his ears pierced , so he can't actually put the earing even if this is like the simplest way to do it ... Remember in Rogercop what Plagg told Adrien ? If not then I will remind you . Plagg said that he couldn't transform into Chat Noir , because Chloe's jewellery was stuck on his head and that if he transformed the jewellery would take the powers of his miraculous and the jewellery would actually be the next miraculous of Chat Noir . So Tikki will just hold something that Adrien could actually wear ( my theory : maybe the kwagatama that Tikki gave to Marinette ) . Then Adrien would say Tikki spots on and since Tikki holded the other object then the powers would go into that ! 

That's FUN WITH ZIRACULOUS's theory , I think that it has a lot of chances happening . Stay miraculous ! Bug out !

Miraculous Ladybug and C(h)at Noir SPOILERS AND THEORIES #2 !Where stories live. Discover now