chapter 1

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Boarding school. I never hated my life so much as today. And why was I sent here? Because of a stupid CD! Everybody thought I stole that thing but I didn't! I would never steal anything! And now I was sent here, to this school, full of criminals. From what I heard about this school, there even was a guy who killed someone. And then there's the worst thing about it: No phones, computers or other electronics were allowed. How was I supposed to survive there??

"Hey Youngjae, get out of the car. We arrived." Dad said in a cold tone. I looked up and saw an old castle outside the window. It scared me in some way. It felt as if the dark walls had eyes, staring at me, watching every step I made when I got out of the car slowly. I grabbed my suitcase and my backpack, closed the door and looked at my father through his opened window. "Dad please, I-"

"Your mother and I will visit you in a month." He didn't even look at me, when he closed the window and left without any kind of good bye.

I sighed and started making my way to the doors of the 'Dark castle' how I decided to call it from now on. The doors were closed, so I pressed the button with the small bell symbol on it and waited. "Yes?" i heard a cold voice through the speaker. "I'm... I'm Yoo Youngjae..." I said and a second later, the door opened.

"...and this is your room. You'll share it with someone else. Here's the key. Dinner in half an hour." The always annoyed woman gave me a key and left, I guess she went back to her small, stinking office in which I had to sit for the last two hours and listen to her telling me the rules. I didn't like her at all, but still I wished she would have stayed with me for a while, just in case my roommate decided to beat me up or something. 

Nervously, I opened the door and made a few careful steps into the dark room. I couldnt really see anything because the black curtains were closed, but everything seemed quiet. Until something came out of the darkness and hit my shoulder. "FUCK OFF!" a voice shouted and suddenly, a guy stood in front of me, holding a knife in his hand.

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