Part 28 - Marshall

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Written by Lolalittlelegs

Rose can't even look me in the eye as I stand at the door to her house “I fucked up!” I repeat myself to her, I don't know why I bother repeating myself maybe I think if I keep saying it enough she'll eventually hear me and forgive me. Taking another step forward my hand reaches out for hers but she just shakes her head and folds her arms across her chest before looking up at me. Her eyes are red and watery “What do you want Marshall?” her usually warm voice terrifies me because it's cold, there's no emotion in her voice whatsoever.

I begin trying to speak but she holds her hand up effectively shutting me up before sighing loudly “I'm tired, I'm going to bed.... We can catch up tomorrow before you leave. Were are you staying?” I haven't made any arrangements and I don't know how to tell her, I shift from side to side on my feet “Umm I don't have anywhere, I just got on the plane." I shove my hand in my pockets and look down at my shoes like they might save me, it's just after five am, I could and would just stay in the car until she wants too speak to me.
Instead she stands to the side of her front door and lets me in, following her through to her living area she tells me to wait there and comes back a minute later with a couple of pillows and a comforter, she places them on the couch “You can sleep there" she points at the couch, “Thank you Rose" she winces as I use her name and because I need to purge the guilt of hurting her again I start talking but I'm cut off by her walking away “I'm so tired Marshall, I can't deal with this now" her door closes behind her and I'm left bewildered outside, I'm fucking lucky she even let me inside the door after the way I've behaved. 

I set my space up on the couch and lay back,  I won't sleep but I take comfort in the scent of Rose all around me,  it calms the turmoil in my mind that's been spinning since she left Detroit almost two weeks ago. It just kept building momentum until it was out of control. 
Hearing a quiet sob coming from the direction of Rose's bedroom,  I get up slowly determined not to make any noise and walk quietly over to her door and pressing my ear to it I can hear her sobs louder and I take a risk and open the door letting myself in,  I can't stand the thought that my anxieties have caused the one person in this world who didn't deserve any more pain,  exactly that.

I don't think she hears me,  she's curled up in a ball, hugging her pillow and facing away from the door but she feels the bed dip under my weight as I climb on next to her “I know you don't want me to touch you but I'm just going to hold you until you fall asleep and then I'll go” I tuck her gently in my arms,  her body stiffens at first but eventually she relaxes in my hold.
Her tears stop and I know she's finally sleeping. I try to move without waking her,  intending to keep to my word but instead her hands grip my arms tightly and she mumbles “stay" in her sleep.

I wake up a couple of hours later alone,  my heart sinks but the comforter she gave me for the couch is laying over me now,  only Rose could have put it there and that sign alone gives me hope that I can salvage this. Getting up I straighten my now crumpled clothes and leave the bedroom to find her, it doesn't take long, I find her cleaning furiously in the kitchen, it's spotless but she cleans the sides and cupboard doors over and over as I watch her, preparing my words carefully.

“Rose" she halts in her tracks, keeping her back turned to me “Baby, come sit with me.....please" she turns around to face me before speaking “Was Liv right about you? Am I just one of many?” her voice breaks as she speaks to me and I'm confused for a second before I realise exactly what her sister thinks of me  “No! Christ Rose there's only you. You're the only person I'm interested in.” I plead with her but she starts crying again “You weren't with someone else?” she manages to get out between sobs and I move quickly towards her enveloping her in my arms and hugging her tightly “No why would you think that?” You know why she thought that Marshall because you've actively avoided her for two weeks and then show up telling her 'you've fucked up' anyone would assume the same thing. It makes this ten times worse than it should have been.

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