Chapter 10 - Marshall

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Written by Lolalittlelegs

I didn't think I'd feel this anxious about having Rose in my home, it's not like I think she's gonna steal or anything like that but it's more of I hope she likes it and I hope she likes being here.

My house isn't dripping with gold and marble like some people might expect, it's my families home and so it's comfortable, the furniture is comfortable and the decor doesn't scream rapper and I like the fact that at home I'm just Marshall, when I drive out of the gates of this gated community then I'm Eminem.

Standing outside the door of Rose's room, I take several deep breaths before I knock on the door and wait for her to answer, the door opens slowly a minute later “You staying in there all weekend or are ya coming out?” She cocks her head and her eyebrows nearly touch her hairline she raises them so high. “You said you'd come get me" I laugh at her she looks so serious right now “You can come out Rose, you don't have to stay locked up in there, let me give you a tour so you know your way around."

I motion for her to step out ahead of me and we walk down the corridor, she looks at the photos hanging on my walls, family candid shots, no one ever sees photos like these.
“You look like a different man around your children, like your just Marshall!” I snort who else does she think I am? “Of course, when you're with your little people you can be your true self, they see and know the persona but to them I'm just their dad and I prefer that over anything" she's quiet as she nods in understanding “They were the only people to see that side of me they wouldn't stand for me coming home and thinking my shit don’t stink"

She looks up and I lose myself momentarily in her big brown eyes as she asks “You said 'were'?” and looks down at her hands, my hand reaches forward and lifts her chin gently “I want you to see that Marshall too, I want to share it with you" She blushes and it just enhances how beautiful she looks standing in my home.

“You're real smooth Marshall" smirking,  she breaks the moment making us both laugh and taking her hand I drag her off for a guided tour. She swoons at my theatre room, questions my need for three televisions in the lounge and she loves my kitchen “This place is amazing Marshall, so beautiful and understated" It's my turn for my cheeks to redden as she showers compliments on my home and my taste in decor.

Looking up I notice she's yawning its quite late and she's been at work all day “You need to go to bed?” she looks at me like she doesn't want to give in to sleep but in the end she nods and says yes “Rose you don't have to wait for me, You're free to do whatever you want here ok and help yourself to anything, make yourself at home. I've got a surprise for you tomorrow, I hope you like it" are all sentences I never thought I'd be saying in a million years.

She tests me by walking over to my fridge and grabbing a bottle of water out of it, she holds it up for me to see “I'm helping myself" she winks at me before walking past me and back up the stairs to her room.
I stand there shaking my head and smiling a second before I go lock up and go to bed myself.

The next morning I'm up early as I wait for Rose's surprise to arrive, I'm beginning to think It was a bad idea and a little bit corny but it's too late to cancel now and I kick about the house writing when I get an idea and looking out for the woman that's meant to be arriving soon. Ten minutes later and my garage is full and it's noisy as hell, I head back in to see if Rose is up yet but I'm greeted by her as soon as I open the door “Good morning sunshine" she chirps at me “Morning Rose, sleep ok?” She says she slept like a log and that the bed is way too comfortable, it pleases me that she slept good and I enjoyed falling asleep knowing she was just down the hall, I felt comfortable and safe.

“So before I make you the best breakfast you've ever had, come see your surprise!” I lead her back to the garage door, I can hear them already the noisy little bastards, she looks at me confused at the noise behind the door and so I open it and let her walk through ahead of me, she greets the woman inside before turning and seeing about thirty puppies in a large playpen “Oh my god, I hate dogs Marshall, how could you!" my face drops and I feel like I fucked up badly until I look up and see her smile crossing her face from ear to ear, I've never seen her smile like that before, it reaches her eyes and everything, she reaches out for me and pulls me in tightly for a hug “Thank you this is perfect" my relief is palpable as she moves over towards the pen.

Tennessee RoseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora