Tagged by @ScardyCat_GIRL

Start from the beginning

6. I dislike shopping, A Lot, even though I'm a girl..

7. When I was a 3/4/5 year old I didn't play with dolls... I played with cars. :>
(Why Waste My Time on Barbie Dolls if I could play with FREAKING Cars!)

8. in my first few years of preschool I never played with girls, I always played with the boys. (This changed later in the last few years there though!)

Edit: don't.... look at me weird, I don't know why I did what I did, but to this day I still enjoy just chilling with my guy friend... If I can. (Actually it seems like some try to avoid me these days ._ . But do not worry! There are still once that do not do this!)

9. My FAVORITE subjects are
•Maths. •Gymnastics. •Art
(I don't get WHY people hate Maths. Can somebody explain?)

Edit: guys, Maths is just, repeating the things you learn and use them. It may not all Ways make sense at first, but if you just do what they explain I really don't understand what can be so hard about it!

My LEAST favorite, or te subjects I just SUCK at are
•French. • History. (•Geography.)
(I mean, C'mon! with History we're not even going to learn about Hamilton, HAMILTON!)

10. Apparently I can sing, but I don't really know... My friends and other say I Can, but I get shy pretty Darn Easy when it comes to Singing( a Solo).
(So I Don't Understand HOW FREAKING 8/9/10 Year old ME Could Just... SING A FUQKING SOLO.. IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL. WHAT?!)

Edit: .... I still think I can't sing.. Maybe that's because I don't do it often enough in public. But hey, I got 8,8 for singing sooo yay!)

Extra specially for you guys

One of my close friends once send me a video... and now Im labeled FURRRYYYY in there contacts.... And I have NO Shame!

Furry's are cool :]


4. Tagg 28 People


To everyone on this list I say,
I'm sorry.

Ilsufrancisca (Hehheh, exempt this one >:3)








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