Chapter 12

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When he got home ,Taehyung was already there .He was in his study.Jungkook was passing through the study going to their room.Taehyung quickly went out of his study and followed him.
"How was your little boyfriend?"Taehyung started.
Jungkook rolled his eyes"How many times do i have to tell you  that he is not my boyfriend."
"So are you going to deny that you went to go and see him?"Taehyung spat.
"I'm not going to deny it.He might be my ex but he is still human, isn't he?"Jungkook spat back."If you think that i have forgiven you for everything you did to me and for involving Yuguem in all of this  then you are sadly mistaken"Jungkook continued as there was vernom in his voice.Taehyung didn't even react .Jungkook knew that it wasn't in the babies' best interest to get angry but the older wasn't giving him any choice.How did he even know that he had gone to meet his ex  ?Was he stalking him.What had he gotten himself into.?He really didn't know a lot about the person he called his husband.

Jungkook went and had his shower and went to have his dinner.
"Tomorrow you will not be going to school.Our parents are going
to  visit tomorrow.I told them about the pregnancy "Taehyung said looking at his dinner.Jungkook only nodded.How could he not be the first one to tell his parents about his pregnancy .?He had forgotten all about.Jungkook had to convince himself that he was ready to have kids.Whom was he kidding?He had never thought or in his wildest dreams thought that he would carry a child.Who was he going to blame ?It was his  fate.At a moment like this when he felt frustrated , he just needed something to smash or better yet someone.

The next day went well he had been getting attention from five people.At some point he felt suffocated.No matter how he hated Taehyung for using him , he still needed him.He was not going to take care of two kids by himself.Hell he had not even graduated from college.Getting pregnant was not something he had never accounted for in a million years.

Taehyung had felt the change in the air around him.Jungkook's mood swings were starting.
"Are you angry , do you need something to punch?"Taehyung teased as they were sitting on the dinning table after their parents had left.
"Don't tempt me Hyung ,I might just punch you right here and now."Jungkook said.
"Try your luck , baby boy"Taehyung teased.Before he knew it a punch was aimed for his face.It was a good thing that he caught his hand in time.What he didn't see coming was being kicked on his crotch.
"Next time you call me baby boy , you will die"Jungkook spat as he made his way upstairs.Taehyung was left alone trying to cool off his burning balls.Taehyung was now not sure if he was going to endure Jungkook's mood swings.

That night Jungkook work up Taehyung in the middle of the night.
"Hyung please wake up I'm hungry"Jungkook said as he was shaking up Taehyung.
"But Jungkook you have just eaten not long ago"Taehyung said covering his head with the sheets.
"So you are saying you won't get me what I want.?"Jungkook said screaming .
"No I didn't say that honey ,it's just that I need to sleep for a while."Taehyung tried to reason.
"So should I go out and get the pickles myself at this time?"Jungkook asked furiously.
"I didn't mean that baby"Taehyung said still in the sheets.
"Then what did you mean?You know it actually take 2 to make a baby so you should play your part"Jungkook ended the statement by hitting Taehyung with a pillow.
"Okay I'm awake so tell me i will go and get them for you."Taehyung said finally getting up.
"Okay , so I need  green mangoes ,dried fruits, whipped cream, peanut butter and pickles."Jungkook said.
"Will you eat all of this?"Taehyung asked with his mouth wide open.
"Yea , i will "Jungkook said.
Taehyung dragged himself out of the room and went out.When he came back the younger was fast asleep and wouldn't wake up.He went and stored the food in the kitchen clearly half asleep.Taehyung had become a slave to Jungkook's moods.

Many days went like this .Everynight Jungkook would ask for something different every night .Most of the days he would not eat what he had asked for since he would have already slept.He would act like nothing happened the next morning.He would always expect his breakfast to be ready when he wakes up.Some days Taehyung would wake up with dark circles.At some point he felt  that Jungkook was doing all of this on purpose.Taehyung would also prepare dinner and then wash the dishes.Who would have ever thought that the mighty billionaire will be reduced to a maid by his husband.

Jungkook 's birthday was celebrated grandly it was also the month of his graduation.He was also in his third month of pregnancy.Taehyung had to  move all his cars from the garage because they were in danger.Jungkook finally graduated from college.At the same time Jimin also graduated and he was going to debut.Jungkook felt jealous of his best friend.

A day before Jungkook was going for his fourth month sonography appointment ,the couple fought.Taehyung called Jungkook fat because he ate a lot and then Jungkook got triggered and punched the older male in the eye.Taehyung knew that he had to go out with a black eye.Jungkook had told him not to go but Taehyung couldn't miss seeing his babies for the world.

Suho was shocked to see Taehyung wearing sunglasses inside .He didn't bother asked what had went down .They got to hear their babies's heart beats.

When they got back home,Namjoon and Jin visited them.
"Taehyung what happened to your eye?"Namjoon asked .
"I fell"He lied .Jungkook laughed at that and everyone looked at him.

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