Chapter 10

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Jungkook opened his eyes and was met with a terrible headache.When he tried to sit up straight he immediately regretted it as he was met with a sharp pain from his lower body.
He was even shocked when he heard that deep voice say"You are awake"Jungkook nodded but he screamed when he realized that he and the older male were naked.
"What happened here, Hyung?"Jungkook asked staring at his husband.
"Well you got drunk and asked me to make love to you.I'm actually curious , do you do this whenever you get drunk."
"What do you take me for I don't just sleep with anyone,and last night was a mistake,agreed?"Jungkook asked but Taehyung didn't say anything.
Jungkook tried to get out of the bed but he only fell on the carpet.
"Does it hurt Taehyung said as he was getting the poor guy off the ground.
"What do you think ?It's my first time you know and it hurts like a bitch"Jungkook snapped.
"I'm sorry i didn't know you were a virgin"Taehyung said looking down.
"It's okay I'm not dead am I?Please help me to the bathroom if you don't mind."Jungkook said.
When Jungkook came out the bed sheets were already changed and there was breakfast on the nightstand.Jungkook changed his clothes and went back into bed and had his breakfast.
"You were supposed to break up with him not sleep with him you idiot"Jungkook thought to himself.He needed someone to talk to.

Hyung ,I'm screwed .I slept with Taehyung 😢

Isn't that a good thing?

No its not Hyung.The contract has already expired and I don't wanna have lingering feelings,and them get hurt over nothing.

I'm sorry Kookie i wish i could share your pain but a decision needs to be made

I know Hyung , thanks.

Taehyung entered the room and then went into the bathroom and took a shower.He changed and then went to work.

When Taehyung came back there was no sign of Jungkook .There was only a note which read"Good bye and thanks"
That is when he realized that the contract had expired but he never wanted Jungkook to leave him.He wanted to be with him at all costs.

Jungkook please come back home ,we  can take about this.

He tried to call him but his phone was unreadable.He even went to where he lived but he wasn't there.

After three weeks ,Taehyung  decided that he was going to get Jungkook by hook  or by crook.

Jungkook You are going to come back to me to our home.

What do you want from me?So you should know I found out why you married me.

Jungkook please come home we can talk about this.

How about you make me

If that's the way you want it ,then I have no choice.

Three days later

Jungkook ,Yuguem and Bambam have been missing for 3 days .Do you have any idea where they could be.

How are they missing  .Is it like they got kidnapped?

I think so.

Okay Hyung.

You crazy phycso !Where are they?

Oh you mean your little boyfriend and his friend.

He is not my ...
Never mind what do you want?.

You know that I want you to come back to me.

Okay if I come will you release them.

Of course anything for you.Come to my office tomorrow morning.

Don't do anything silly .I will be there.

Jungkook made his way to Kim Corp.He let out a heavy sigh and went into the building.

"Hey baby,how have you been?Where were you hiding?You look like you gained a little wait.Taehyung said looking at Jungkook who was sitting opposite him.
"Can we get down to the reason why I'm here.Let them go since I'm here"Jungkook said clearly pissed.

Taehyung fished his phone out of his pocket and then said  ."Release them"
"You are really manipulative,Kim Taehyung"Jungkook said.
"I will take that as a complement."Taehyung said with a evil grin.
"And if you ever run away  ,I won't hesitate to kill them.So you should be at our house by the time i get back from work."Taehyung continued.
Jungkook felt at lose for words.He just took  a golf club that was in Taehyung's office and went out with it.He bumped into Hobie at the door.He also wondered what Jungkook was going to do with the club.The two older males watched Jungkook as he went down through the  cctv of the camera.Jungkook got to the parking lot and looked at the camera and went to Taehyung's experience  black car and then smashed its window screen.Hobie gasped but Taehyung didn't react.Jungkook smashed every window of the car and then left the club on the ground.He then went out and called for a tax and then left.

"Are you sure your husband dosent have major   anger issues"?J hope asked looking at Taehyung .
Taehyung laughed and then said"I really have no idea what is going on."
"You shouldn't make him angry or he will destroy everything including your face"J Hope said.
"Don't you have stuff to do ,Mr Jung?"Taehyung said with a serious face.
"Actually , I do.I will see you around.Hobie said and went to his office.

That night Taehyung went home and found out that Jungkook was home.He sighed in relief.Jungkook was sitting in the living room playing video games .
"I hope you felt better after smashing my favorite car"Taehyung teased
"Did you say something?I could not quite catch you"Jungkook said with his finger in his ear.
"How cute?"Taehyung said.
"Just one thing Taehyung, you might have managed to bring back here but I'm going to make you regret it"Jungkook warned.Taehyung didn't say anything and went and picked him up and went upstairs.

He went and put his on their bed and said."Stop making empty threats and go to sleep you have college tomorrow"
Jungkook was  not suprised that Taehyung was not taking him seriously.

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