First canter

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Bailey came over to Mikyla's the next morning just as he had promised. Mikyla had the two horses tied up, but just like she said they weren't tacked up. Mikyla held Diablo while Magpie stood still, she was showing Bailey how to groom a horse. She groomed Diablo while bailey groomed Magpie. " your doing very well" she complemented Bailey keeping him going on grooming the horse, encouraging him, praising him and even helping him. Mikyla really wanted Bailey to learn how to take a horse. She also really wanted Bailey to have a horse as he really stemmed to love them and was really good. It would also I've Mikyla someone to ride with, even though she didn't mind him exercising Magpie she knew it wasn't the same as having a horse of your own.

It took Bailey what seemed like forever to tack up, but he got there and did very well. They both walked into the arena talking to each other. Laughing and then mounting on the horses, they started to warm up.
" are we going to try something new today?" Mikyla asked Bailey
" uh sure" Bailey replied as they both picked up the trot. They smiled and trotted around both ways.
" how about we canter today ?" Mikyla suggested
Bailey gulped " uh canter? Umm ok " he said, a bit nervous.
" great I will go for one first so you can see it then I will help you" Mikyla said
" sounds like a plan" Bailey said. Mikyla pushed Diablo into a canter and Bailey watched them. Diablo bucked a reared a bit but Mikyla got that under control. When she was close to Bailey she slowed Diablo back down and came up beside him and Magpie.

" ok your turn" Mikyla said
" ok" Bailey whispered.
" inside leg on the girth outside leg behind the girth and give her a squeeze" Mikyla said. bailey listened and did exactly that, he got thrown back a little in the saddle as Magpie picked up the canter. He soon got the hung off it though and was giggling, Mikyla picked up a canter and they both cantered around. After a long canter both ways, they slowed down Magpie and Diablo. Dolling them off and then dismounting. Walking out of the arena and to the tie up area, they untacked and hosed them off before having a chat and Bailey waving goodbye, Mikyla doing the same as she lead the horses back into the paddock and Bailey went home.

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