first ride

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Bailey walked over to his friend Mikyla's house, he was dressed in jodhpurs and a horsey top, he was so nervous but excited for his first ever ride on a horse, he had his helmet in his hand which Mikyla gave him and he was going to ride her piebald Magpie, while she went riding with him on her friesian Diablo, he was so excited on his walk there that when he arrived he hadn't noticed how far he had walked. Mikyla waved hello to him and finished putting Diablos bridle on before leading Diablo and Magpie over to Bailey, she smiled and Tied Diablo back up, handed Magpie to Bailey and told him to go into the arena and wait for her their, she said feel free to put your helmet on and walk Magpie around the arena and then if you think you can mount before I get there. Bailey did as he was told and walked Magpie into the arena, put on his helmet walked her around once and by that time Mikyla had walked into the arena with her helmet on.

" do you know how to mount?" She asked

" no " Bailey admitted

" that's okay I will help you " Mikyla said before asking Diablo to stand and walking Magpie over to the mounting block, she told Bailey to stand on the mounting block, so he stepped up next she told him to put his foot in Magpies stirrups once they were down and swig himself on to the horses back, he was a little confused but he managed to do so. Mikyla then said walk her around the arena just give her a little squeeze, so he did while Mikyla mounted. She then came beside bailey and said that he was doing a good job. Bailey smiled he was Sitting and riding a horse for the very first time, he had a Huge smile on his face now. Mikyla told Bailey a bit about Magpie and Diablo, she said Magpie is a very good girl where Diablo can be a bit of a nutter at times, they both had a little chuckle before changing rein.

" do you want to try a trot? " Mikyla questioned Bailey

" sounds good " Bailey replied

Mikyla gave Diablo a squeeze and he went straight into a trot, Bailey did the same and Magpie trotted but he didn't quite understand how to rise so Mikyla gave him some advise and showed him and she rised and he soon clicked on to it, he was still smiling. He leaned forward a bit and gave Magpie a pat, Mikyla was leaning on Diablos neck giving him a pat and a hug. They soon came back to a walk

" how did that feel? " said Mikyla

" great " Bailey admitted. They walked around for a bit and then they dismounted Mikyla said to bailey that he did great before waving good bye to him and caring for the horses. Bailey felt very proud and he started to walk to the gate but just before he left.

" thanks Mikyla, so much " he said

" no worries we should do it again one time" she replied

" we should" she said before they said goodbye, Mikyla unpacking and brushing he horses and bailey walked back home with a Huge smile on his face.

First rideWhere stories live. Discover now