Chapter 5: A Beautiful Partnership

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I do realize I said Isolation is not Ideal was being updated... but I did not think that through, and this story helps with Writer's block so here you go!

Hazeltail's POV

After she had successfully hidden her valuables, she decided it was safe enough to leave her dorm and talk with a few other students.

So far she encountered Hollyleaf and Cinderheart, both of which were racing to Spottedleaf's office apparently to 'cancel' some of Hollyleaf's extra classes. How that girl managed her normal classes alone was shocking to Hazeltail. If Hazeltail got away with a B in all her classes it was a miracle.

Well, not this year! This year I'm taking classes I want! Classes I like! Classes I don't completely suck at!


As she rounded the corner, walking into the Medical hall, she couldn't help but see Jayfeather walking down the hall briskly, completely ignoring anyone he passed, almost as if he had somewhere to be.

Despite how curious she was, Hazeltail decided not to follow him, and instead find the boys. After all, curiosity killed the cat.

Jayfeather's POV

Jayfeather absently checked his tablet (one of his brail monitors of course) for the time. 8:52 pm. Eight more minutes until I supposedly meet my 'partners.'

He was still trying to figure out how they found out, he had covered his tracks perfectly, and even sometimes led the paths to false identities. Overall, no one should have been able to find out besides maybe Interpol. 

Hell, this very well could be Interpol, I wouldn't put it past them to attempt to hire 'school' agents.

Jayfeather heard movement near the door and was immediately on guard. He breathed in, trying to catch scent who it was. Unfortunately, the warm air seemingly killed any smell where it stood.

More fortunate was that they spoke as soon as they came in.

"Jayfeather? Or do you prefer The Bluejay?" 

Ivypool? Dovewing's sister? Arrested girl?

He openly gaped, "How did you figure it out?"

He heard someone else laugh, "Common sense. That and breaking into your room. Nice setup by the way, very original."

Breezepelt too? Nevermind, of course, Breezepelt, he and Ivypool are never far away from each other.

"Mind I ask where you got those... unique brail pads? I'd never seen anything like them." Breezepelt continued.

"I made them." Jayfeather paused. "We're getting off track, what do you want?"

Ivypool spoke then, "We are in need of a business partner, one with your skillset specifically." 

So a hacker then. "What kind of business?"

He could almost hear the grin in Breezepelt's voice, "The illegal kind."

Immediately Jayfeather was on guard, not necessarily opposed, just wary. "More specifically?"

"You know, the occasional break-ins, a few higher stake robberies."

"And you need someone to scrub the footage and security?" Jayfeather finished for them.

"Yep," Ivypool said, "You would get a 30% share of all profit."

30%? That's good... Especially if they are talking about more than just breaking and entering.

"Allow me to leave my cybermark and we have a deal."

Breezepelt snorted, "I doubt we could stop you, although you know doing this is going to put 'The Bluejay' in the headlines for years to come right?"

Jayfeather grinned ferally, "Exactly." 

Ivypool's tone was pleased. "Perfect. We'll get you a message for the first outing, it'll be soon so be ready."

Jayfeather nodded and heard their soft footsteps recede from the boiler room. 

What have I gotten myself into now?

Breezepelt's POV

He Casually removed two beers from underneath the floorboards and handed one to Ivypool, completely aware they were underage, and it was against school rules.

Ivypool accepted it graciously and commented, "That went surprisingly well. I expected him to be against crime, what with his goody two shoes brother." 

Breezepelt smiled, opening his bottle, he said, "Jayfeather is nothing like his brother, I've been following 'The Bluejay's' excursions on the web, and man does he have style. Releasing classified files from the CIA, mass property forgery, document forgery, he does it all."

Ivypool closed her eyes for a moment then commented, "So where do you think we should hit first, it might be best to start small and work up, but there is something dramatic about going big." 

Breezepelt thought for a second then said, "How about UFS Bank? It doesn't exactly have a high capacity, but I've heard they were bragging about their security awhile back."

Ivypool grinned savagely, "So we get something out of it, and knock them off their high horse! I love it." 

Breezepelt took a long sip of his drink and said suddenly, "Race you to the roof!"'

Ivypool spluttered indignantly as Breezepelt was already halfway out of the window.

"I'll get you next time!" She shouted out the window as she climbed up behind him.

Foxleap's POV

Foxleap watched as Lionblaze slumped onto his bed in their dorm, he had stayed quiet for the walk back to their room.

Lionblaze looked up to him and seemingly mistaking Foxleap's silence to be in annoyance, "Come on Foxleap!" he said, "Someday you knew the teachers were going to stop your pranks."

Foxleap looked at him, holding his hands over his heart he said, "I'm offended Lionblaze! Truly offended that you think so little of me! Since when did something as small as this stop me?"

Lionblaze looked at him blankly. 

Foxleap cleared it up for him. "I'm not stopping. I just have to reconsider a few. Of course, anything that happens to you in my dorm wouldn't be seen."

Horror spread across Lionblaze's face. "Foxleap..." he said warningly, "We wouldn't want you to lose us points..."

Foxleap shrugged, "Can you honestly say little old moi is going to offset the trouble in Shadow?"

Lionblaze shrugged, "There's still Wind and River"

"Did you see Ivypool and Breezepelt? For God's sake, Ivypool was flipping a knife around like it was a fidget spinner! I'm sure Wind will be losing enough points already." Foxleap was slightly annoyed now, his normally buoyant mood gone.

Lionblaze snorted, "Where Breezepelt goes, trouble follows."

"And river... well River might be a problem, but who knows, maybe I will play a few pranks so they lose points."

"You evil genius" Was Lionblaze's only answer.

"Why thank you. I will take that as an apology." 

"An apology?" Lionblaze shouted indignantly, "For what?!"

Foxleap laughed and bolted from the angry Lionblaze.

Ah. The beauty of life.

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