Chapter 2: We Have Also Arrived

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Ivypool's POV

The bus jumped over a crack in the road and caused Ivypool's bag to rattle loudly. She was glad she was sitting in the back, otherwise, the driver might have questioned the rattling of metal.

The bus slowly screeched to a halt as they arrived at their location, Warriors University. Ivypool was not looking forward to College. Four years of being in the same place as Dovewing. Ugh.

Ivypool walked into the aisle, with her bag swung over her shoulder. Breezepelt followed her down the aisle to the doors.

The driver looked up with a nasty grin, "Don't get comfortable, kids like you don't stay out of trouble for long."

Ivypool glared right back, before climbing out of the bus. She squinted at the sunlight and looked around. The campus was impressive, the same way a high-security prison was impressive: massive, loud, and inescapable.

Breezepelt walked out as well, and his reaction was more pronounced as he proceeded to curse loudly. "This is where we're staying? For four years?"

Ivypool agreed with his sentiment full-heartedly, "It's bad enough that we have to attend, and even worse, we have to attend with Dovewing."

Ivypool lifted her pack again and walked into the front hall, where they were greeted by a woman sitting behind a desk. She smiled at them, "Hello, you must be the two students from Highwoods. Ivypelt and Breezefeather is it?"

"Ivypool and Breezepelt" Ivypool corrected sharply.

"Ah, yes! I remember now. Breezepelt... ah here you are, Wind Sector; room 264, single room," Spottedleaf said.

Breezepelt grabbed his key from her and waited for Ivypool to get hers.

"Ivypool... Hmm, that's odd..." Spottedleaf murmured as she scrolled on her computer. "It says you're from a Thunder family, but you're assigned in the Wind Sector?"

Ivypool explained quickly, "I asked to be assigned to Wind. I don't get along with my family."

Spottedleaf nodded slowly. "Ah, that explains it. It also says you don't deal well with roommates?"

Ivypool shrugged impatiently.

"You're in Wind, Room 265. It's a single room, but it's connected to Room 264." Spottedleaf held out a key.

Ivypool grabbed the key impatiently, then quickly shouldered her bag, and quickly walked to the Wind sector with Breezepelt.

The Wind Sector was on the 2nd floor. Their rooms were the last two in Wind because each sector only had two single rooms, which were normally used by counselors or rich students.

The room was sparse, with only a bed, desk, and small armchair. But it was to Ivypool's liking. Especially the window. The window was able to be completely opened, and there was no screen blocking the opening.

When Breezepelt came in with a satisfied look, she could tell that his room was similarly laid out.

She pointed out the window to him, and he grinned. "You're thinking what I'm thinking, right?"

Ivypool smiled right back, "Climbing."

Breezepelt opened the window, put his head through, and looked up. "There's a ledge a few feet above the 3rd floor. We might need the climbing spikes to get over it."

She looked at Breezepelt. "You brought them, didn't you?"

Breezepelt rolled his eyes. "Of course I did. I didn't expect the walls to be brick, so I thought that we might need them."

Ivypool went over to her pack and pulled out a large roll of string, "Now, let's set up the traps."

Foxleap's POV

Foxleap and Lionblaze were running down the hall, trying to make it back to their room. Surprisingly, Berrynose could run very fast when he was angry. Foxleap had succeeded in nailing Berrynose's Supreme shirt with a spray from his permanent dye silly string. Leading to the situation they were in.

No one wanted to face an angry Berrynose until he had cooled down a bit, so as Lionblaze struggled with unlocking their door, Foxleap fended off Berrynose by brandishing his silly string spray can, as if there was still any left.

Foxleap was grinning maniacally and made to press down the button, causing Berrynose to hide around the corner. Giving them the time to rush into their room and slam the door behind them.

Foxleap collapsed on his bed and said to Lionblaze, "That. was. Awesome."

Lionblaze snorted, "He's not going to talk to us until tomorrow now. I cannot believe you got his favorite shirt! He should know better than to wear that near you!"

Foxleap sat up, "What can I say?" He grinned manically. "I am an evil genius."

"More like an evil pain in the a-"

Foxleap interrupted him with a voice that sounded reminiscent to Hollyleaf, "Language!"

Lionblaze laughed so hard he choked, "How do you do that?"

"It's a gift"

There was a knock on the door.

Foxleap looked up warily, "Who is it?"

"FOXLEAP! Berrynose just came to me saying you ruined his 'Supreme' shirt! Why haven't I got a video of that yet?"

Foxleap sighed in relief. It was Hazeltail, not Berrynose. "One moment, I wanted to turn it into a gif first!"

The only response was laughing slowly shrinking as Hazeltail walked away from the door.

Lionblaze looked at him, "Seriously? A gif?"

"I like to get creative," Foxleap shrugged, booting up his computer.

Breezepelt's POV

Breezepelt wasn't exactly enjoying Warriors University. But that wasn't saying that he didn't enjoy seeing friends from before he and Ivypool had been shipped off to Highwoods. Actual friends, not just people who stayed near him because he had jail time behind him.

It was... refreshing.

Breezepelt had made it his job to introduce Ivypool to all the Wind students worth knowing; Harespring, Emberfoot, and Antpelt so far. They were headed to Heathertail's dorm next.

Breezepelt was walking quietly beside Ivypool when they ran into the last person they wanted to see: Dovewing.

Breezepelt felt Ivypool stiffen beside him. "What do you want," Ivypool said coldly.

Breezepelt saw Dovewing's face fall, and couldn't help but think, What do you think was going to happen? You ratted us out to the police, do you expect a warm response? Breezepelt kept all this to himself, however, it wasn't his place to get involved with Ivypool's family.

"I wanted to see you! You're my sister!" Dovewing stated, trying to sound confident.

Ivypool raised an eyebrow, "You want to see me now? What about the four years you spent ignoring me? Do you expect me to welcome you back into my life now that your 'over' it?'"

Dovewing spluttered, "Well I wasn't going to visit you in that... that place!"

"Do you mean jail or Highwoods? Because I actually enjoyed my time at Highwoods. It was far, far away from you." Ivypool said this venomously and marched past Dovewing.

Breezepelt followed quickly, not even glancing at Dovewing.

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