"You're right!" said Lisa. "Definitely a flyer, not a shuttle. What would a flyer be doing out here?"

"I don't know, but let's keep looking," said Hetha, feeling a new burst of energy.

The two women searched in ever-widening circles but found nothing. The wind caused by the flyer taking off had obliterated any evidence.

"I wouldn't go too near that landslide," warned Hetha. "That whole section doesn't look very stable."

Lisa turned to look at the six metre high gash of raw dirt. "No, you're right...What's that? On the ground?" she asked in a completely different tone.

Cautiously, she approached the base of the landslide and stopped. "It's a footprint. Or, to be more exact, it's half a footprint."

Hetha came to stand beside her, staring at the footprint half covered by the edge of the landslide. "I think we should call the police."

The two women exchanged sober glances. "And Chris Maddon."


An hour later, Chris Maddon stood and watched the excavator dig through the rubble. Two men with a machine followed behind, inserting a large metal tube into the space. Rocks and dirt rolled down the slope from time to time but the crew were safe inside the tunnel.

Maddon felt the insides of his cheeks were raw from being clenched between his teeth. He knew they had to move carefully, there were metres of rubble to clear. They were making progress but it was painfully slow!

Suddenly, there was a muffled shout.

"There's someone in there! Someone has been digging from the other side."

Maddon wanted to rush forward but his feet were frozen to the spot. What if they were too late? The silence was nightmarish.

Then Slocum, the man in charge of the rescue team and wearing a communication headset, turned to Maddon with a beaming smile. "They're alive! Dirty, thirsty and hungry, but they're alive. We just need a cutter to slice through the chain. And some water."

Lisa and Hetha stepped forward to catch him as Maddon collapsed, tears of relief running down his cheeks.

Rik crawled out of the tunnel first. Still handicapped by his torn muscle he hobbled anxiously across to his father, fending off the medics who wanted to examine him. "Dad? Are you all right?"

"He's fine," reassured Hetha, cheerfully, as Maddon enveloped Rik in a wordless bear hug. "Just a bit overwhelmed."

She left the two to their moment and went across to greet Patrick who was the next man out. She gave him a brisk hug and patted his back. "How are you?"

"Fine," said Patrick, smiling his relief to be out in the fresh air. Full of questions about their rescue, he was interrupted by Harlan coming out of the tube, covered in dirt, his hands raw and bleeding.

"But that's one of the kidnappers!" blurted Lisa in astonishment. "What was he doing in there?

The two Cascade police officers watching the proceedings, closed in on Harlan immediately. "Is that right, ser?" one of them asked Rik.

Rik hesitated for a moment, before throwing Patrick an apologetic look and answering, "Yes. Well at least he was. He was one of the men who chased Georg and me, and brought me back to the camp."

Rik heard a primal growl from his father, just before he lurched forward. Rik grabbed his arm quickly. "Wait, Dad! He changed sides, once he figured out that Kam and Lu were going to let us die. He's spent the last day or more digging, trying to get us out."

"Or save himself!" muttered Maddon, unconvinced.

Patrick had stayed quiet, letting Rik speak, but now he added firmly, "He saved my life. And he protected Rik from Lu. I think that should count for something."

Harlan cleared his throat. "Actually, I was on an assignment for the Patrol, and your own police department," he said, addressing the two officers who were holding each arm. "Your Chief can confirm that with the Patrol officer in question, Chang Wu."


Hours later, Harlan emerged from the Police station a free man. He was glad to be out but depressed that he had failed to complete his mission. He didn't think he was going to be reinstated to the Patrol anytime soon. Still, at least he, and more importantly Patrick and Rik, were alive. Now, to find a cheap hotel.


He spun around.

Patrick stepped out of the shadows. "I was just wondering whether you might like to come home with me." He smiled. "I have a spare room."

Dangerous Love (ONC 2019 - LGBTQ)Where stories live. Discover now