Their Nightmares

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 Josh: Involves sweats, crying in his sleep

The first time it happened was just the second night you spent together. You had been asleep for a few hours, but were woken up by his whimpers. When you looked at him, he had a thin layer of sweat covering his face and chest. You weren't sure what to do, but when you saw tears start sliding down the sides of his face you woke him up. It took him a minute, but he eventually realized that it was just a dream. He told you that he didn't really remember what it was about, but that it involved him not being able to sing. 


Jake: Involves talking/screaming in his sleep

It freaks you out every time. Usually, your asleep and his screaming wakes you up, but occasionally if he falls asleep before you, you hear him talk. Sometimes its incoherent mumbling, but sometimes you can tell that he's begging someone not to hurt him. Once he had almost a full conversation with someone. It was beyond creepy, but you were afraid to wake him up. Sometimes if he screams it sounds like he's in pain. Sometimes it sounds like he's scared. This one time he started yelling like he was angry at someone. If it's the middle of the night and he wakes you up, you usually shake him until he either wakes up, or just stops. He has nightmares once  every couple of weeks at home, but the other boys say that on tour, its more like twice a week. He never remembers what they were about the next day.


Sammy: He wakes you up after.

You don't mind at all. He doesn't make any noise or anything while he's having one, but when he wakes up he wraps his arms around you and pulls you to him really tightly like a little kid holding onto a teddy bear. Sometimes if it's  particularly bad, you can hear him crying and feel him shaking a little as he holds you. You pretend to be asleep. In the morning he usually tells you anyway. Sometimes it's about you. Sometimes its about Danny. He has a reoccurring one that's about you leaving him and getting with Danny. You always laugh a little and reassure him that you have no interest in anybody except him.


Danny: He wakes up terrified

It freaked you out the first time. It was time to get up for the day so you touched his foot to wake him up, and he kind of jolted awake. He gasped really loudly and moved like he was trying to get away from you as fast as possible. Once he hit the headboard and  couldn't go anywhere else, he started shaking really violently. Now you know to be prepared when you go to wake him up. It happens almost every time. He hates it and doesn't even know why it happens, but he thinks he has a reoccurring nightmare right before he's supposed to wake up, and it just carries over into reality. He has no idea what the nightmare is about. This never happens whe he wakes up naturally.

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