What they bring you from tour

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Josh:  Clothes

At the end of his last tour, he brought home enough clothes to replace everything you had. Some of it he wore on stage some of it he just picked up in the different places he went to. You kept a lot of the shirts because they were usually really comfy or cool looking. The majority of the pants were a little outlandish for your taste, but you kept a few of the flowy pairs. He ended up going to your side of the closet for clothes a lot, simply because he still liked a lot of his tour clothes. It was funny to go through everything with him to decide what to keep. You would put something in the "hell no" pile and he would gasp dramatically and say "Do you know what went down while I was in this shirt?" and you would say no. He would then launch into some crazy story about what  happened at a show or a hotel bar or something. Sometimes he would get to a point in the story that seemed like the best part and suddenly stop. "Yeah you know what maybe just toss that one." he would say, his face turning red.


Jake: Hats

Like... a lot of hats. You are now the proud owner of 5 different cowboy hats (with varying levels of flamboyancy), 3 bucket hats in different colors, 12 baseball caps, and 1 fedora. He knew that you loved hats and loved seeing you wear them, so he got one for you every time he saw a cool or strange one. Plus he likes hats too and wears one pretty much every time he goes outside.


Sammy: Jewelry

He's brought you a ton of earrings and necklaces especially. Most have stones or crystals in them, but a few are just metal. He gave you a few rings that somehow fit you perfectly even though you don't remember telling him your ring size. He got you matching bracelets once, too. They're the kind with a drawstring that pulls together 4 different bands. One  band is leather with dark green string woven into it. That band is surrounded by two identical bands of braided leather. At the front of those 3, there is one band with wooden beads separated by black coated nickel plates. In the middle of the band of beads, there's a cylinder of metal with a unique design engraved on it. That may be your favorite piece of jewelry ever and it's rare to see you without it.


Danny: Polaroids

He's taken hundreds of them. He brings them home when the tour is over and you go through them together. Most are of him and Sam being goofballs. Some are of strange food he ordered in foreign countries. There are a lot of nature pictures he took while exploring on days off. He documented the Rocky Mountains really well on the last tour. Once, you found one that Sam took of Danny crying. He never told you why. Once you go through all of them, you choose the best ones and pin them to a cork-board in the hall way. The rest you put in a shoebox and label it with the start and end date of the tour and the note, Danny's Polaroids

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