Curvy Queen

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AN: Big thanks to @peaceloveunity101 for the request! Please gimme ideas guys!

In this one the reader is a plus sized girl.


Josh: Literally doesn't care

It's like he never noticed, which flabbergasted you at first. You didn't understand how he didn't realize you were overweight. To you it's blaringly obvious, but to him it's nothing. You were feeling insecure about your weight one day and asked him if he cared that you were big. He just looked at you confused and then looked down at your body. When he finally answered you he just said "I really don't know what you're talking about darling." Normally you would roll your eyes and tell him to stop lying, but he seemed genuinely confused by the notion that you thought you were big. You decided not to bring it up again because he clearly didn't care one way or the other.


Jake: Really likes to grab your ass

You weren't a huge fan of him doing that at first because it just made you think about how much ass you actually have. Now you've come around to it. He is an ass man through and through and it shows. If you give him a quick kiss, his hands go to your ass. If you're just chilling on the couch, his hand is probably resting on your booty. Even out in public he can't keep his hands to himself. He'll stand behind you and slip a hand into your back pocket to feel you up. He says he loves that you're so thicc. You cringe at the word but you know he means it as a compliment. He never fails to make you feel sexy and at the end of the day, you appreciate the attention.


Sam: Thinks you're the hottest woman to walk the Earth

It was strange to have someone actually want to look at you for once. Not that people said you were ugly or anything, but you knew you were quite chubby and hated the way you looked. When you started getting serious with Sam you realized that he didn't like you despite the way you looked, he liked you because of it. Before, you wouldn't have dreamed about sleeping naked or walking around in your underwear. Now you do it just to tease Sam. He looks at you with pure desire and love. You've never felt better about yourself than when he's staring at you and running his hands over your curves. You've become a lot more comfortable with yourself because of him.


Danny: Helps you start getting in shape

He wasn't the one who brought it up, you did. You loved watching him work out and asked if you could join him one time. He of course agreed. You were worried about holding him back, but he didn't let that happen. He went at his pace and you went at yours, but you were always doing the same thing. He wasn't big on using machines, so most of the time you just worked out in your living room, which you liked because nobody would see you besides Danny. He asked you once if you really enjoyed working out or if you just thought you needed to be thinner. You told him that you hated it, but you knew you needed to be healthier. The exercise worked to an extent. You didn't feel like you looked much different, but you could tell you we're healthier. You were able to push harder and do more after a few months. Cardio is still your weak spot, but you're getting there. You have lost a good amount of weight, but you're still working to drop more.

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