17) Epilogue

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Thank you all  for reading it's been fun! Hope to see you guys in my next book! bye lovelies!

570 words
Third POV

Mitch and Scott lived out their days at the same beach house on that deserted island.

The kids were raised between he ocean and the island. They all went to school at the Siren kingdom and Hermione was groomed by Mitch to be a queen one day. Although she wanted to make her mother happy, she became the first female general of the Siren army. She grew out of her shy ways and became a strong independent woman. She eventually married a woman and adopted their own kids.

Perseus instead became king. Once Hermione rebelled against Mitch's lessons so she could become a soldier, Perseus begged Mitch to teach him. Mitch was hesitant at first considering it has always been a female to rule of the Siren kingdom.  He agreed because there was always a weakness in his heart for his children. Perseus married to later after he became king. His wife couldn't have kids, but they lived happily ruling over the Kingdom after Mitch's Rein.

Eros and Anterous didn't often do things together. But they both loved when Scott would tell stories of his adventures on the sea. They both agreed that they wanted to try the pirate life for themselves. Mitch would always be hesitant and stubborn about the idea of his kids leaving the nest but Scott managed to convince him. Alex was okay with letting The twins join his crew considering that Scott was an old friend. Eros and Anterous spent their lives on the sea, occasionally coming home to see their parents.
Triton moved to England to become a fisher man. He lived in a light house on a pier. He grew old with his wife and children.

Ariel always admired his sister as they spent their lives together. So he followed after her foot steps and joined the army. He fell in love with a man to, but unfortunately died 7 years later in battle.  His memorial was held on the island with all the pirates and sirens. He was only 32.

And for the last of the kids:        


He never liked he Siren life. When he was 15 years old he ran away to live on land. He lived amongst the humans. He kept being a siren a secret and never told a soul. He never returned home but made sure to send letters to his loved ones.

Finally, Scott and Mitch

Mitch had grown depressed over time because of the loss of some of of his sons.  But  it wasn't too severe thanks to Scott. They raised the children together in the the beach house. Scott would spend every second with Mitch to keep him as happy as often as he could. After the thrown was taken, Mitch almost never left the house.
      They grew old in their own ways. Sirens have a longer life span than humans. Scott died of old age at 93. Mitch lived alone for twenty more years. Neptune even came home to take care of him. The kids visited more often to. This made Mitch happy, even in his last moments. He died of a heart attack in his sleep, for which than they had his ashes spread throughout the ocean.

And would you believe that the ashes turned in to sea foam?

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