Chapter 7

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Hi! So the words in italics is Avi and Mitch talking in the Siren native language.
Mitch POV

" what am I supposed to tell Avi? That I was too busy having sex with a human to protect our daughter?! I've failed our child!" I sobbed, caressing my pearl. " Mitch I'm so sorry... is there anything I can do..?" He pleaded. Scott picked me up and payed me in his lap I rested my head on his chest. " I'll talk to him ok? Do you.. do you want me to call him now?" He said, barely above a whisper I nodded. I had to tell Avi eventually even if he's gonna be pissed. I don't blame took us 6 years to have a girl. I gave scott the conch shell I call Avi on. He went out to the deck and after 15 minutes Avi stormed in. He was in human form and I think Scott gave him a pear of shorts.

"Give her to me." I gave the pearl to him.
"How did this happen??" He shouted. I explained to him what happened but instead of telling him what Scott and I were really doing I told him that we were just sleeping.
"You're supposed to keep her with you at all times! Did you think I enjoyed having to constantly fuck you? Having to take care of six snot nosed brats, waiting for you to have a girl, and when you finally do you somehow manage to fuck that up to?!" He yelled. I flinched. "I'm sorry Avi! I'm so sorry. She's almost ready to hatch anyways... she'll probably survive..." I tried to reason with him but he wouldn't stop yelling. Once he finished, he yelled at me, slapped me, told me that he didn't want to see me ever again, and left with the kids. I held the pearl crying over her. The crack was growing bigger and bigger every hour. Scott came back in with more pillows. "Hey I got some more pillows for the pearl." I looked up at him "she has to be born in water" I explained. He set up the blankets and pillow on the bed to look like a giant birds nest. He snuggled in it and dragged me with him. I cried and told him about all the things Avi said. He looked angry but he remained quiet. Instead of jumping up to go attack Avi, he held me and told me that everything was gonna be ok. "We're almost in Germany, once were at the beach your baby  girl can meet you.." he was trying to cheer me up and I appreciated it. " thank you Scott. For everything.." I closed my eyes. Well fell asleep together in the little make shift nest.

While we slept, A storm began.

  Loud thunder woke us both up. Scott our in his clothes. "Stay here with her and don't come out unless I get you."  And than he left and locked me in the room alone with the pearl. The ship was rocking intensely, so I held her  close and stayed close to  the wall. The crack was now half way through the pearl. I hope we get to Germany on time...

Scott's POV

My crew was trying to tie everything down and stay on. Huge waves were nearly tipping us over. One of the barrels of goods slid across the floor, knocking Alex in to the water. He yelled and fell in to the water. "No!" I ran over and tried to reach to him. He tried to stay above water but the waves kept washing over him . I managed to grab his arm and he held on to me right. "C'mon Alex hang on!" His head was under water and his grip was slipping.

It took one wave to wash him away.

I tried to look for him but the rain was clouding my vision. The crew and I tried to tell for him but the storm was getting worse. Kevin walked up to me, "I'm sorry Scott... we have to go the storm is getting worse!" He shouted. "No we can't leave Alex!" Smee ordered the men to open the sails. We took off, sailing out of the storm. "NO! ALEX!" I screamed pleading Kevin.  In half an hour we were in calmer waters. I stomped back Angrily back to my office. Mitch was under the bed with the pearl. When he heard me come in he poked his head out. "Is it okay to come out now Scott?" I frowned, "Yeah...." I felt like I wanted to cry so I locked the door and picked Mitch up.  I laid him down on the bed and tucked my head in his neck. I began to sob quietly into his shoulder. "What happened scott? Why are you crying? Did you get hurt?" I shook my head And stuttered through my sentence. "N-no..there w-was a barrel... it knocked him off...I tried to get him..t-the tide was too strong....." I squeezed him tighter. "..I'm sorry I couldn't help. And I'm sorry your crew member and friend is gone..." he whispered. He rubbed my back and the pearl lates next to us "he wasn't just my crew member..."

"He was my first love...!"

What's up my dudes? This is a bit short but sorry. Anyways bye lovelies!

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