Chapter 2

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Wassup Bois
Scott's POV

We had began to sail southwest, that's where we will find the largest siren empire. With the jewelry we sold we used the money to by more supplies. Since we were too far from any shore there was only one solution ..

Rob people.

My favorite activity. I try to only attack Great Britain's boats, it's my way of disrespecting my father and that damn country he loves so much! He was a soldier in their army despite us being from Scottland. He was an asshole and beat my mother because he didn't want a child. So I always send a portion of the money to my mother she protected me and I'm grateful for that.

There was ship kind of far way, we weren't close enough to see any people but close enough to see that damn flag. I told my crew to set sail towards the vessel and they rushed to get prepared for a fight. The jolly Rodger is one of the fastest ships in the world, so we're we're there in no time. Once we arrived we realized it was just a Merchant's boat delivering something from the new found America's to Britain. Perfect.
     We threw down the anchor so we stay exactly right next to them. I called out a "Hello?" And a short chubby man walked out from below deck, once he saw our flag he trembled. "I'm sure you know who we are, so just tell me what you're selling?" I asked with a toothy grin. " I-I'm bringing Marijuana from J-Jamestown.." he stuttered out. My smile grew wider. I've had my share of Mary Jane back in the day, bout I hadn't had it since I was 16. "Than hand it over and we will be on our Marry way!" Most of mY crew we're excited to rob this ship to. "I'm sorry Captain Hook b-but this is all for t-the king I c-can't give it to you..." I frowned. "Fine we can do this the hard way. Men get to work!" I yelled and a plank was thrown down, connecting the two ships. My crew began to slaughter every man in sight and after a few hours they returned with tubs of it. I decided to sink the ship so it wasn't just  sailing pointlessly. We shot a few cannons at it and we watched it sink slowly. After pulling up the anchor we began to sail again at a normal pace.

"Mama! Papa! Help!"

My head whipped around to see a little boy clinging on to a floating dead woman's body. I guess his mother drowned with the ship. He wailed loudly. " Mama! Mama!" He screeched and I was getting annoyed. I had my men turn the ship around. He looked up at us when the ship was right in front of him. He reached out his hands trying to climb on but I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him aboard. I set him down on one of the barrels. He wiped his eyes and looked up at me. " get in my way and I'll kill you." Was all I said before I walked into my office leaving him with Mr Smee. I locked the door and began to strip fully. My office was also my room, there was a bed in the corner and I plopped down on it. I snuggled under the covers, leaving my clothes on the floor and my hat on my desk. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I figured I should sleep until we arrive at the den.
"CAPTAIN CAPTAIN CAPTAIN! WERE HERE!" I jumped awake and fell of my bed. I landed on my naked end to see mr Smee yelling. He had earplugs in to block out the Sirens call. I wasn't shy so I stood up and picked my clothes of the floor , putting them on. Mr Smee stood there patiently and handed me a pair of plugs to. I put them in and he and I went to the main deck. A heavy mist was making my vision blurry so I couldn't see the cave very well. Although I could see the hundreds of siren surrounding and following our boat. They all had dark colored tails, unlike mermaids who's tails are always lighter colors. Many people think that all sirens have black tails, but it's only ever the queens that have em' and even still when their pregnant, the ends turn silver! What? I read up about them! You think I was just gonna March in there not know jack shit? Fuck no thats how we all die! We sailed through the entrance of the cave, sirens were every where and I've never been so excited! The adrenaline, the rush we were so outnumbered but I liked it! I scanned the cave trying to find a black tail.
The entire cave floor was under water and there were still rocks for the sirens to sit on. But in the middle sat the largest one, illuminated by the setting sun, shining in from a hole in the roof.

That's where I saw the black tail.

Some of the stuff about the sirens Scott said I just made them up.. I don't know how it actually works so yeah... anyways Shorter chapter im sorry... I might even post a double:) by lovelies!!

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