Chapter 15

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I probably should've mentioned this but Scott has a little beard.. not like full on Avi but it's normal... on with the chapter!
Scott POV

I'm so happy that I'm with Mitch. As much as I wanted to stay in this moment with Mitch forever, there was still work to be done. "Mitch, There's actually something else I need to tell you about the deal..." he looked up at me. "I promised that if I succeeded... I would give her a siren?" His brows furrowed "what? forever?" I nodded. "How am I to chose one of my precious subjects to spend the rest of eternity with that beast?" I thought for a moment . "I think I have someone in mind.." I smirked evilly.

"Unhand me you human scum!" Kirstin was struggling against alex and Matt's hold. "Scott are you sure about this?" Mitch was skeptical. We stood around the giant hole preparing to toss Kirstin down. The kids were standing behind Mitch watching the whole scene. "Mitch she has caused so much pain for your family and you. Honestly I think we're going to fucking easy on her" he smirked. I can't wait to get alone time with him..! But first we'll have to finish with her. I turned my attention to the hole "oh Ursula!" I called out. The water began to stir as she emerged from its depth. "Ah do you survived human! I'm surprised ..." she almost looked disappointed "right..anyways I've come to hold up my end of the bargain.." I explained. She smiled as she saw Kirstin's  horrified face. "And there's Bonus, she had recently suffered an... injury so she can no longer get human legs." Kirstin's eyes widened "what?? The doctor never said that!" She complained. "Yeah he just didn't tell you under my orders  when I was king for like 45 minutes."her eyes began to water " please Mitch I'm sorry!" Mitch looked angry yet sad for her "I loved you like a sister Kirstin.You've betrayed my trust and you've betrayed our kingdom. So this where ill have  to say good bye." By the end of his sentence he no longer looked hurt or sad, instead he looked victorious despite his poker face. They threw her down into the water with her screaming all the way down. I started to walk away until I heard one of the kids scream. I whipped around to see Ursula scarfing down Kirstin's arm. Mitch told them to wait in the beach so they wouldn't have to watch the gruesome scene. "I thought you said you just wanted a friend!" I shouted down to her. She liked her fingers "I did?" She shrugged. "Toodaloo Captain Hook. It was nice doing business with ya!" And descended into the water. "Scott maybe you shouldn't make deals with evil sea witches anymore" Matt said nervously still a bit shaken up at what had just happened.
  We went back to the beach "What now Mitch?" His face and Eyes had returned back to normal. Mitch thought for a moment. He look around the island and than looked back at the cave. "I'll live here." He told me, meeting my eyes once more. "What?" I asked dumbfounded. "I can live here and still rule over the sirens. And I can still be with you." The kids were playing in the sand "my children like it to." He smiled at the sight of some of the boys wrestling in the sand while Ariel and Hermione dug holes.  His plan was a good compromise between his two lives but what should I do? I mean i love Mitch I really do.. but the sea was my first love. I can't just abandon my crew. An idea popped up in my head when I saw Alex playing with Perseus. "Alex cmere." He jogged over to us. I took off my captains hat and stuck it out to him. "I can't abandon the pirates life I've made. So Captain Alexander Kirk, I entrust the duty of being the Jolly Rodgers Captain." His whole face lit up as he  put on the hat "thanks Cap- I mean Scott! I won't let you down!" He shook my hand "But I want you to come to me if your ever in trouble you understand me?" He nodded with excitement before running off to tell the crew. Mr Smee marched up to me looking upset. "Why didn't you make me Captain? You said you would've if you didn't make it!" He crossed his arms "well for one I'm very much alive. And two, I realized that you've already served previous 'Captain Hooks' before me. You deserve a break Smee. You should return home and start a life! Tell your adventurous stories! Even Find love. You deserve it." By the end of my speech his eyes were watering. He hugged me tight "thank you thank you thank you thank you Captain!" I patted his back and he to ran back to tell the crew. Alex had made Matt  the new first Mate, to fill in  for Smee's place.

That night we partied. We celebrated the reunion of Mitch and I, we celebrated the new captain and we also cried for a bit for Smee and I retiring. For the next week the crew helped me build our home one the beach.
When the finished we said our goodbyes and I watched them sail off. I thought I would feel sad or regret but instead I felt pride, because our story had not ended instead this was just a new chapter.

I eventually stopped waving when Mitch walked up to me. "You okay?" He asked worriedly "I've never felt better" we shared a kiss as the sun began to set. "I love you Mitch. I can't wait to spend the rest of my days with you.." he smiled again as he kissed me once more "I love you to... Captain"

I carried him bridle style into our home.
iM nOt CryiNg.. *sniffle sniffle*

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