Chapter 1

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Scott's hat^905 words boiii
Scott's POV
We had had been sailing for a week now, My crew and I are in search of the sirens pearl.

The sirens pearl, One of the most treasured pearl of the sea. I could sell it for millions! Or keep it for myself! I understand the dangers of going into siren territory, my men understand the risk to. But the risks are worth it!

Where are my manners?

Captain Scotland Hook, but you could call me Captain Hook like the rest of me crew. My first Mate is Mr Smee. I have the largest and most feared crew of pirates, we rob ships, rob land lovers, do what ever we want  whenever we want! Yet.. I yearn for more..
    I do eventually want to wed a gypsy or something, but I will never retire! I'll pass on my legacy to my children, but that won't be for a long time.
       Everyone aboard the Jolly Roger has matching tattoos. It's a way of saying you'll always be apart of my crew! That's enough talking, let's get to work! Well, "work". I was in my office writing some letters back home, when Mr Smee waddled in. "S-sir were near India... w-would you like to stop to collect supplies.?" He stuttered out. He always did have a stuttering problem, I hated it. " Fine, tell the rest of the crew." Was all I said before I dismissed him and he ran off. Well "ran"....
He was kinda chubby. After a few hours we had arrived at the port. I went to the deck and looked out over the Indian merchants. Once they saw our flag the screamed and ran, dropping plenty of food and supplies. This is just too easy!
    My men loaded up the ship with beer and wine,for me,. They grabbed blankets and clothes, some even taking them off of people. They stole jewelry and food of all kinds! They took so much more and for a split second I felt....


Once they were all back on board and had put away all the supplies, we set sail. We were already plenty of miles from the shore, I told my crew I had an announcement. They all settled and crowded on the main deck, while I stood on the bow. " Men now that we have restocked, we have a new adventure waiting for us! Our goal is to obtain the Sirens Pearl!" I shouted. The color drained from many of their faces.. lots of them trembled with fear. I was disappointed. " What's wrong with you men? Should I even call you men?! Who was the ones who survived a fight with the kraken?! I yelled. A few of them shouted "us". I was starting to encourage them. "Who were the ones that snuck past the oh So Great Britain, and took their best ship?!" I yelled again, this time half of them answered with "US!". "And who are the ones that shall take the sirens pearl, from a bunch of mermaids!?" I yelled for the last time. All of them shouted and cheered. Once they settled down, I said one last time, " men not only will we get that damn pearl, but we shall take their queen and make them beg for mercy!!" They cheered, dance and began to drink like sailors since the sun was beginning to set. The last part of that speech wasn't really part of the plan, but it made them happy so I guess we will take her to. The crew was dancing and talking some playing music. I climbed down from the bow, walking over to mr Smee.We we stood by the edge and I looked out at the water. "Sir w-were you serious about taking their Queen? Sirens are going extinct, and there are only three known Siren Kingdoms.. and we're going for the biggest one... if we take their Queen it would enrage the others and cause a war wouldn't that cause them to go extinct for good?" He asked. "So?" And I gave him a wicked smile.

"But sir it's illegal- " he tried to explain but I cut him off. "When have pirates ever cared about law?" I narrowed my eyes. "Never sir, sorry sir!" And than he ran off. Sometimes I wish a I had someone of my own, that wouldn't resist in fear of me... or who wouldn't call me sir... I looked down at the water and saw something colorful swim away, hearing a purring noise. It was too large to be a fish. It was probably just a mermaid they swam by sometimes. I shrugged it off and went to get a mug for beer.We partied and danced through the night, my drunk ass couldn't make it to the bed and I slept on the floor. My back was gonna hurt like bitch in the morning.

I wouldn't admit it out loud by I'm excited to get the pearl and the Queen!
Ok bb bois so new book. I got an idea for this one from a different book I read by @ThePhantasticCats I think . It was called Captain Hook instead. I'll try and update the book and "hello Detective" on the same days. I usually do a chapter or two a day but know... procrastination. I don't know how long I'm gonna make this book though. Anyways Bye lovelies!!!

Syren (editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें