Chapter 5

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I don't thing we've done a Mitch POV yet so here ya go!

Mitch POV

The human was really upset. He had been yelling and screaming at me about the pearl and Avi. "Scott let me explain- "
He forced me to lay down pinning my wrists above my head. "Fine" I took a breath. "After one Queen Candidate passes all the tests, she is to be mated and must give birth to at least one pearl. No matter how many tries it takes. The male is chosen by whomever has the strongest sperm in the kingdom." I explained. It was a twisted system I'll admit but it's efficient. "You have to compete to be Queen? Mated? As in are you forced? and when you say 'no matter how many times' does that mean.. there are other past kids?" His face softened. " Yes we compete in household chores, cooking, childcare and combat. Combat is the final stage, last one standing wins, and Avi and I were chosen to be mated. He and I already have six boys. This is my first successful pearl." I explained and he sat back up, letting me go. I sat criss crossed facing him, while he sat at the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. "Why are you so upset about this?" I asked him. "How old are you Mitch...?" He looked up at me. "I'll be 20 in July.." he wrapped me in his arms squeezing me tightly. After holding me for a few moments he pulled away and looked at me "Fine, he can only visit at night. But your mine and he is nothing but the pearls father. Understood?" I nodded. "Now go to bed and stay in bed" He picked up the pearl and I growled. "Calm down I'll give it back." My motherly Siren instincts kicked in, my eyes turned a deep green and my teeth sharpened I needed to protect her. I growled at him and he set her down on the pillow. I crawled up next to her and before I could stop myself,

I bit him on the hand.

It wasn't serious but he still bled. My eyes faded and I picked her up and cradled her. " I'm sorry Scott I panicked.."

He slapped me.

"Bed. Now!" I curled into a ball and tucked the pearl into my arms. My eyes were stinging and leaking , I sniffles a few times and  climbed in next to me, pulling the blanket over both of us. I didn't like to cry in front of people but i had no choice. I sobbed quietly but he said nothing instead

He pulled me closer and snuggled up behind me. Letting me cry myself to sleep.
Scott POV

I woke up before Mitch. The memories from last jaggy flooded back in: I hit Mitch.  And I made him cry. I've always had a bit of an anger issue, which is why I can't keep a damn relationship. We weren't anywhere close to Germany, but it was getting colder so we had to make a pit stop at some random country. I was gonna have Matt stay with Mitch in tHe boat awhile. I shouldn't have been so hard on Mitch last night so I'll get something special for him in town. I passed by a flower shop. I'm sure he hasn't had flowers given to him, so I walked in and instead of just buying them like a normal person I shot everyone in there in the legs. So they couldn't chase me but I at least can watch them all writhe with pain. I grabbed the biggest bouquet of roses they had. I walked back to the port to see Mitch sitting on the edge of the board walk dangling his feet over the edge. It looked like he was talking to the water so I guess the male siren was back. But this time there were more heads, six more to me exact. Mitch noticed me and waved me over, I sat next to him and he introduced me to the adult siren and his seven sons. " the eldest, Perseus, is 6, than Poseidon,is 5, Neptune, is 4, Triton,is 3, Next it's the twins , Eros and Anterous, both are 2 and my most recent who is one, Ariel."I looked at all his kids and they looked at me with big and curious eyes. " and this, is Avi their father." Avi glared at me and pulled the kids closer to him.  I gave the roses to Mitch and he looked up at me confused. " what are these?" Avi held the pearl so Mitch's hand were free to hold the 50 roses. " their flowers called roses. It's a romantic gesture , I'm sorry about last night.." I leaned over and kissed him this time he kissed back. It's was quick but passionate, I think he liked hit to since his eyes were almost closed, his lips were parted and his cheeks were tinted. I forgot we had an audience until one of the kids shouted "mama!" And made grabby  hands at Mitch. Mitch picked up Ariel and cooed at him. " Scott can I stay with them for a little longer ? I'll meet you back in your office.." he was so cute. " okay darling" I got up and went to my office. My crew was still gathering blankets and stuff so I was alone on the ship. I couldn't stop thinking of how good mitch tasted. I kicked off my shoes and took off my jacket. I payed on the bed thinking of all the things I would do to him. I slid my hands down my pants and began to stroke my throbbing member. I moaned Mitch's name quietly, closing my eyes I stroked myself faster, pulling my self out of my pants. I couldn't take it anymore I needed him, I craved him! " Mitch come in here!" After a few minutes he walked in with the pearl. " Avi left and took the kids, but I still have the pearl - what are you doing human?" He set  the pearl down on a pillow in the corner. "Cmere and sit in my lap.." I ordered stroking myself. He hesitantly sat on my lap and the only thing between us was my shaft. " Mitch do you like me?" I felt like I was in middle school again. " yes I like you Scott" " would you want to have sex with me?" He thought about it for a moment. " yes.... but I can only reproduce with my mate or if I married you" he explained. " I didn't say we had to have sex to have a baby, but just sex for pleasure .. would you wanna do that?" He looked down at my aching cock,

"Smooty Smutty put it in the booty"  Sorry but anyways Bye lovelies! Hope you enjoyed! I also realized that sometimes I make the mistake of saying that Mitch has six sons but he actually has seven ....

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