The kick out

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It was the end of another hell riddled summer holiday at the Dursley's; well it wasn't a holiday more like a camp or a prison, all he done was cook and clean getting a hiding if he moved one step out of line. These beating would consist of a spatula to the hands or no food for a week he would be lucky if he got some scraps from a meal once a month, he would rather be anywhere else he would rather be living with the Malfoy's for merlins sake. If anything this has been the worst summer yet as uncle vernon said.
      "You're getting older, boy. You should be able to take more"
This is the worst sentence he has ever heard, if anything he was getting more frail because of the muggles not feeding him and constantly, shamefully and brutally beating him. He was honestly thinking of running away but just as he was packing his bag uncle Vernon's sister was arriving as she was going to stay there for a few days. She was the worst person you could meet although she didn't beat Harry as much as uncle Vernon did, it was more emotional than anything she would call him many names or say bad things about his parents calling James "a drunken git" this made Harry insane but he had to keep his cool otherwise he won't get his aunts signature for hogsmeade because this year (3rd year) is the year all students are able to go to hogsmeade which is a village with different shops where you can get many sweets and jokes to play on people. He really wanted to go to zonkos so that he can play tricks on Malfoy, they haven't been on the best of terms since 1st year when Harry has rejected his friendship.
As they sat down to have dinner with Marjorie when Harry got up to do the dishes she asked what school he goes to.
"Botsrole boys academy" he replied in a non interested voice.
"I see you've turned out just like your father, a rotten old git" she insulted.
Harry was most likely turning red from rage trying to hold the venom back, but it failed the wine glass held in her hand shattered. Aunt Petunia's face turned bitter almost like she had ate a lemon, her beady eyes shot daggers at Harry.
"I'm so sorry"she said. Marjorie was unnerved by the event she simply comforted her.
"It's fine,love. I do have quite the grip sometimes, I can't control it" her words were soft with a chuckle at the end. After the accident she kept talking bad things about James and lily calling them 'freaks' and 'good for nothing kids' this finally pushed Harry over the line and made his hands clench into fists of rage stopping him from punching her, but that didn't happen. Oh no, once his rant was over Marj's face puffed up then her body it was like someone was pumping her full of air. When the family were fighting to pull her out of the sky, Harry ran upstairs; to his bedroom; changed clothes and grabbed his belongings. He was running down the stairs when he heard the thud of gigantic feet coming near , as he suspected, it was the plumped faced Vernon he was angry he threatened Harry but when he pulled his wand out he coward away.
"But you can't use magic outside of school!" He bellowed.
"Try me!" Shouted Harry. The fear in the eyes of his over sized uncles, pushed him even more to scare him.
He made it to the streets the dark engulfing the path, when he saw in an alley a pair of red eyes that burned like embers in a fire, he was in such a trance that he totally missed the double decker bus speeding towards him. Once he did he fell backwards scraping the palms of his hands, it stoped abruptly waiting for him to board
As he entered the bus he noticed four poster beds scattering the bottom floor, bed sheets were messy due to the movement of the bus. The trains assistant asked young Harry for his name.
          "It's Neville. Neville Longbottom, sir" Harry lied.
"Alright, Neville welcome aboard" he said, obvious questioning in his voice, clearly he didn't believe him but didn't dare question him.
           A few minuets past and he was already arriving in diagonal alley; he didn't know where he was going but all he knew was that he needed to get away Ron and his family were away so he couldn't stay there, his best option was to go into the 3 broomsticks and stay there until school.
           "My dear boy, what happened?" A sweet voice asked.
  Harry looked around for the sweet voice and finally met the gaze of a plump woman wearing a lemon apron and a pink dress.
           " my guardians kicked me out" he answered.
" my dear, boy. Please take a seat I'll be over with some food in a little while." She kindly ordered there was no harm or venom in her voice. He gave a smile to her in return thankful for her being so welcoming, he took a seat in a corner near the fireplace an oak circle table covering his legs from view. The woman came back with butter beer in her left hand and some pie and chips in the other, as Harry was diving in he noticed a certain blonde haired boy walk in, "great" Harry thought. What was he doing he was moving closer to him, wouldn't he want to be as far away as possible?
            "Oh, I was looking for MY seat but seems saint potter has took it already" he sneered, putting all of his weight onto one leg crossing his arms, trying to make a look of authority.
             " oh shove off, Malfoy let me eat in peace I haven't eaten in weeks" Harry pleaded, earning a glare from the taller boy. No sympathy was hidden in that expression, or was there?
             "Anyway, have you not heard?" Malfoy said, changing the subject. A confused look appeared on the smaller boys face. Making Malfoy's question answered,
             "I guess not, since you're so oblivious to everything in the wizarding world-"
He was interrupted by Harry "come on, I don't have all day"
             " anyway as I was saying, everyone is being resorted into different houses, as they think that many people have changed over the years."he carried on.
             " well I'll be fine then I'll get resorted back into griffyndor" Harry said plainly.
Malfoy stood up and walked away without a word; without continuing his argument. But what did Harry care? Malfoy was gone and he could finally eat in peace.

A/N hello, this is just something new I thought I would try and write a fan fic and see how it goes, this is a little over 1k words and is also a drarry fic ( as you may notice) but comment and give me some suggestions and things I can include in the next chapter. Hope you like it and don't forget to vote ;)
~Becca xx

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