Chapter 3

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Thalia POV

Annabeth went over the plan one last time:

1- arrive at Percy and everyone's apartment block

2- go to our designated apartments: Annabeth in Percy, Will and Nico in one, Grover and Juniper in another and me on my own, which I was relieved about

3- after we finished packing we would meet up in Sally's apartment and chat for a bit

4- when Percy arrives home with everyone we go to our designated hiding spots

5- when they finally arrive scare the shit out of them (Nico and I came up with this one)

We finally pulled up at the apartment where Sally stood waiting for us at the front with a tray of blue chocolate chip cookies. We all got out thanking Argus for driving he nodded all his eyes blinking at once. I turned around and waited for Annabeth to finish hugging Sally. "Hi, Ms Jackson" Grover, Juniper and Will said in unison, "hi aunt Sally" Nico and I said sheepishly our faces turning slightly red and then we looked like beetroots as she pulled us both in for a tight hug. 

When we arrived at their apartment munching on our biscuits that turned our teeth and tongue blue. She handed us all our apartment keys which she had somehow gotten from the landlord. We all headed upstairs, left, right or downstairs. I headed upstairs to the top floor until I found my room. I gasped when went inside wondering who designed this magnificent room, In the centre of the room was a tree with a note on it, this will take you to a new world of adventures. Artemis. ( A/N I am going to add Magnus chase characters in here because I can) beneath Artemis' name was a word in a language I didn't know - Skaði I thought little of it when I looked right to see a patch of grass shaped just like a bed. After a little while, I put 2 and 2 together and realised that this was a replica of the first forest I camped in my favourite one.

Nico POV

I was blushing very hard and I know Will noticed because every time he looked at me he would smirk. I had never shared a house with anyone for 90 years apart from hazel and I was stressing out. As we entered I was actually shocked and from the look on his face Will was too, there was a mixture of light and dark seeping into each other, two beds lay right in the middle one full of dark colours and the other bright, a note lying on both. mine read

  dear Nico

I hope you like the design we tried very hard to get Apollo to say no to the giant statue of himself in the training area ( I shook my head worried about the end results for that) I hope you will visit the underworld soon.

Sincerely Hades and Persephone

I smiled it wasn't much but it was the first proper contact with my father since well...... Tartarus.

Will Letter

Hello Will

I see that you and Hades kid are getting along well. There is a training room with my statue in there so I won't be surprised if you spend most of your time there. I saw you were starting to play music on the lyre keep it up and say hi to Poseidon's boy for me.

Yours truly, Apollo 

Grover POV

I was so excited to see Percy and Annabeth and I have a feeling Juniper was to, she and Annabeth had been getting along great and I was so happy that my childhood and current best friend and girlfriend were so close. As we entered the apartment Juniper gasped and I bleated the ground was covered in grass and unoccupied trees and plants stood around us photos covered the walls photos of quests id been on dates that me and juniper went on photos of Percy and I and photos of Meg, Apollo and I.A note was stuck on the wall WERE ALWAYS WATCHING - GODS  I looked over at juniper and laughed at the Gods attempt at kindness.

Annabeth POV

I Lay out my stuff on the bed. Smiling at a photo of Percy and me on his bedside table. Next to that photo is another with the rest of the 7 and 2 other people I didn't know one of them a girl with her arm wrapped around Percy's shoulder, it was a friendly manner but I couldn't help but feel a twang of jealousy.

I left Percy's room when I heard everyone coming I through the door each one grinning madly and non stop talking about their rooms. We sat around talking with Sally for a while until we heard a knock on the door everyone dived for their hiding spots as Sally opened the door everyone shuffled inside including the 2 (I'm gonna go with mortals) mortals from the picture. Sally was doing a great job at keeping Percy out of his room. When they finally settled down and turned on The Little Mermaid (I could tell Nico was trying really hard not to laugh even if he was on the other side of the room) we commenced the plan, minus all the demigod stuff that was out in the open because of the mortals, 2 arrows whizzed past Percy's head landing in the wall the mortal girls screamed and the others looked confused, Thalia was shadowtraveled . Next, a lyre played from behind the couch but before Percy could look over the couch Nico and Will shadowtraveled into their apartment. After that a half-eaten can be thrown at the mortal boy who said ow then picked the can up, jaws dropping as he saw the teeth marks all through it. Next was Junipers part when the scene in the movie camp up where Ariel has kept all the rubbish in a cave, signs was chucked at the tv saying 'save the environment' and stuff, Nico then shadow travelled her and Grover to his apartment. To finish it all off I got a voice changing megaphone that Leo made and I stole and said that if they wanted to know what was going on they should go to apartment J34, Nico and Wills apartment where everyone was. After they left I ran into Percy's room to wait.

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