Its Nathans turn

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* Earlier that day*

Damn that girl just gave me a hard rejection. Like damn all I wanted was her number. Maybe she thinks she's too good for me. I mean she is hot af, I'm sure she has guys hitting on her all the time.

Whatever I'm not gonna think about her anymore
But there's something about her. She's different I can feel it.


Why was she affecting me like this?! I just met her, I shouldn't give a shit if she likes me or not.

" Dickface, hey dickface!"

" Hello? NATHAN BOO?!" I hear a familiar annoying voice yell.

Damnit he found me.

Kyle was my best friend, he never stops making sexual jokes and doesn't know when to stop. That's all you need to know about him.

" Dude why do you always have to be so damn loud?! I said irritated.

" Woah, who pissed in your pancake mix this morning?" Kyle said while smiling.


Should I tell him about the girl earlier? I didn't even know her name but she was all I could think about.

" No one, just stop screaming ." I said.

" WHAT?!?? YOU WANT ME TO WHAT?!? TO STOP WHAT?!?! SCREAMING?!?!" Kyle yelled.

" Dude, imma punch you in the nuts if you don't stop" I say holding my fist up.

Kyles eyes widen. " Okay okay, geez. Someone's on their period but from the sound of your tone I'm assuming it has to do with GIRL troubles?" Kyle says as he wiggles his eyebrows at me.

I look at him but say nothing.

He's gonna make fun of me if I tell him.

" Come on tell me! I'm your best friend for Christ's sake!" Kyle says.

" Okay fine."

"I went up to this girl today and she rejected me. ME?!?! I mean I'm not trying to be cocky or anything but I've never been rejected by ANYBODY." I say annoyed at the memory of her rejecting me in such a cold manner.

Kyle starts laughing and laughing and laughing.

He has actual tears in his eyes. What a dickhead, I knew I shouldn't have told him.

" Fuck you." I say turning to walk away.

" Wait wait don't get mad. I mean it's just I've have been WAITING for the day someone put you in your place." Kyle said as he wiped away a tear.

" What do you mean, put me in my place?" I say confused.

" Nathan you are one cocky motherfucker. I mean I don't blame you, if I looked like you I'd be cocky af too. But I knew there would be the girl who wouldn't fall for your shit."

" Woah, I'm offended I'm not cocky I'm confident. There's a difference, people just don't like confident people." I shrug.

" No, you're cocky and I blame your parents and their genetics." Kyle says as he's checking some girl out.

" Whatever dude I don't wanna think about her anymore." I say annoyed.

" Good, I have just the thing to get her off your mind." Kyle says while taking out a flask from his backpack.

" Dude, put that shit away! You're gonna get us suspended!" I say.

" Dude chill, its a pre-party favor for tonight. There's a huge party going down tonight and we need to go so you can get laid and stop being such a sour puss." Kyle says as he takes a sip out of the flask.

" I'm not going to that shit. Parties stink. Literally.  There's always puke everywhere." I say.

" Dude come on let's just get wasted and go get some hot girls to distract ourselves with." Kyle says while nudging my shoulder.

Hmmm, maybe she'd be there. I could talk to her and see if my charms start to work. I mean I am Nathan after all.

" Fine. Let's go." I say while taking a sip out of Kyles flask.

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