The then and now

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Hey guys! Let me know if you like my writing so I can do more!

Also the story starts a little bit sad but it gets more light hearted and funny as it goes! I just wanted to give background on why Aurora is the way she is! Hope you guys enjoy the story!

So this story starts off a bit depressing but that's how life is I guess. Not saying there weren't good moments in those dark times but sometimes all you can remember are those dark times. Now this is how my childhood was. At first I was a very outgoing kid, I was super friendly and liked to talk with everyone I came across. I loved singing and dancing, I was even in my school choir and liked to perform in front of my class with my best friend. Life was great, I was happy.

My family wasn't well off and we definitely struggled financially. My dad was always getting sick and needed surgeries which caused him to not be able to work and would leave my mom with a bigger load. I still to this day am so shocked and proud that my mom was able to work, take care of me and my brother, and still visit my dad in the hospital everyday for months on end. My dad once healed would work very hard to help my mom as much as he could. My parents were incredible and loving parents I honestly don't know how my life would have turned out without them. They were and continue to be my rock.

Now, school. Gross. At the early age of nine I realized that in order for society or most people to accept you, you had to look a certain way. I did not look that way. I was very chubby and had extremely crooked teeth. At that age I still didn't know those were "bad" things but I guess to the kids in my school they were. When I was about nine the insults and criticism started.
"Wow you're teeth are so crooked, ew."
"Aren't you embarrassed your teeth look like that? I know I would be."
"You should really get your teeth fixed."

Little did they know my family could not afford to get me braces. Yet, they made fun of me for something I didn't have control over.

Now, it doesn't stop there. From age nine to ten the teasing had only been about my teeth. Hitting grade 6, the insults about my weight began.

"You should really stop eating."
"Wow you are really fat"
" Hey, there goes miss piggy!"

I remember one specific day where I was heartbroken from just another insult to add to many. Except this one came from someone who had a sort of hold on me. His name was Nathan. He was popular, good looking, and every girl wanted him in their pants(Not literally I hope we were all twelve). Anyways, he was my first real crush. I looked forward to seeing him everyday and gawked over him like an idiot. Of course, he never noticed but I was happy with just staring at him all day. I know sounds kind of creepy but leave me alone I was twelve.

This one day, class had just ended and everyone was getting up to leave. I backed up from my seat to get my backpack under my desk. As I was fixing my things, I could see Nathan approaching my way which was the way to the door. The next words I heard completely crushed me


I was frozen. I didn't know what to do. I felt humiliated and sad. But what was I sad about? Was it what he had said or was it because my crush basically told me he found me unattractive? All I did was smile and awkwardly laugh as my other classmates were also laughing and staring at the show that had just begun. Why did I laugh when what I really wanted to do was cry?

" Shut up Nathan, leave her alone!" I heard a beautiful angel scream across the table. Her name was Michelle. She was the girl that sat diagonally from me. I never really talked to her but I did notice all the cuts on her arm and wondered what was she going through that made her do that? She must be having a hard time and that's probably why she's standing up for me as I too am someone having a hard time.

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