Forgive and forget? Nah.

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It was Nathan.

As I looked at his disgustingly attractive face he began to say something.

" Hey beautiful, I just came here to talk to the most stunning girl I think I've ever seen as well, as to see if I could get your number." He stated as he eyed me up and down.

Hah! If only he knew who he was talking to!

All I could feel at this moment was anger and a need to make him suffer like he had made me.
" No." I state with no emotion on my face.

" Okay so what is it?" He states as he is scrolling through his phone probably trying to find the " add contact" button. Did he not just hear me? Was his ego that big that he thinks any girl he goes up to is immediately going to fall for him and give him their number!

" I said no." I state louder and clearer incase he didn't hear.

" What?" He looked up dumbfounded at the fact someone had said no to him.

" I don't want to give you my number." I state.

" Oh! You probably have a boyfriend. I get it." He states.

" No, I don't." I say.

He looks me in the eyes with a confused look on his face.

" Are you lesbian?" He states.
I scoff at his cockiness and ignorance.

" You really think those two reasons are the only reasons why a girl wouldn't want to give you their number?" I chuckled at his large ego.

" Yes. Actually, I know that for a fact as I have never gotten rejected before." He stated proudly.

" Yea, I somehow find that hard to believe." I say irritated at his presence and how his statement is probably true.

Damn his good looks!

" I think I just caught you on a bad day." He said.

Wow. Was he really that full of himself?

" No it's not that. You're not my type. Sorry." I say with a fake smile. He looks hurt for a second but then quickly snaps out of it.

" I'm everyone's type. Have you seen me?" He states motioning at himself up and down.

Well if everyone's type is a bully and cocky person then maybe.

" I HAVE seen you and I truly wish I never had." I say irritated at the fact that he's so into himself while I still to this day couldn't even look at my reflection because of his and others negative words towards me.

I hated the fact that I had let them affect me like that. No matter how much I wanted to be confident and love myself I always had their words at the back of my mind. Taunting me.

" I see you're trying to play hard to get." He states with a smirk on his face.

God why was he so attractive. He had always been so good looking since I could remember. Can't relate. But even with his good looks I knew the type of person he was and there was no way in hell I'd ever get with him or any guy that thinks like him.

I rolled my eyes and began to walk away but just as I was leaving he grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me towards him.

" And where do you think you're going pretty thing?" He said while smirking.


" If I were you I would let go of my hand or I could file for harassment instead? What will it be?" I say. Yea, I'm sorry the law student in me comes out sometimes.

His eyes widen and he quickly let's go of my hand.

"That's what I thought." I say and walk away.

As I'm walking away Nathan yells behind me " I'm not giving up that easily!"

Great. Now I have to deal with him trying to break me down and give in to his charm. But I will NOT. There is no way in hell I am falling for my former bully. Now I'm all for forgiveness and stuff but right now I can't and won't. And even if one day I did, it would be on my own terms and because I never have to see him again.

Ugh life is hard and now I have to go to dun dun dun- math class. Ew. I hope there's at least some hot guys I can stare at.

Wow. That sounds a lot more creepier when I actually say it. Oh well.

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