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It was finally Monday.

You woke up and did your morning ritual.

After you checked yourself in the mirror and decided that you indeed look sexy, you go downstairs and walk out of the house.

You saw that Frank was waiting for you by the tree in the front of your house. You smiled and went up to him to give him a big hug. His cheeks' color transform to a light pink pigment.

Wow, she looks so beautiful today. He thought to himself and he embraced you. You smelled enchanting and he didn't want to let go.

But to his disappointment, you did.

You and Frank walk over to the bus stop.

Gerard was puffing on his cigarette that was in his right gloved hand. And in the other hand he held a cup of black coffee.

Ray was fixing his buttons on his shirt and Mikey was just standing there with his hands in his jacket pockets.

They all greeted you with a hello.

"Hey ya guys." You greeted back with a little wave of your hand.

"My My, don't you look very attractive today." Gerard said with a smile.

You smile and say thank you. Frank kinda gives him a look and Gerard chuckles.

The bus arrives and you were the first one on. In the background you heard Mikey say. "Yeah, and it seems Frankie is liking the way you look today, too." You didn't notice but Frank was staring at you the whole time you were waiting for the bus.

You sit in the fifth seat to your right, right next to the window. Gerard and Mikey sit behind you, and Ray sits with a friend of his. Frank seemed hesitant to sit next to you but he did anyways.

Once you arrive st chool you knew it wasn't gonna be a good day. The group of jocks and cheerleaders stared at you as you walked pass them. You heard one of the girls say. "Wow, what a try hard, she's such a wannabe."

"I wouldn't date her if we were the last humans on Earth." A football jock said.

You just ignored them and kept walking. Clenching on your backpack strap, resisting all urges to show emotion. Frank walked around them and they didn't notice him. He caught up to and smiled at you, but he didn't get a smile back, which made him frown slightly.

"Do ya wanna talk about it y/n?" He asks. You just shake your head no and continue walking to first period. When you get there you see Jason making out with some slut, which only made you feel worse.

Frank notices and looks at you. "Just ignore him. He's a sleez-ball."

That made you smile, which made Frankie smile. You gave him a hug and went to your class.

The day dragged on, lifeless and dull. Lunch then came around and you had just gotten your tray of food.

As you walk over to the table where you and the guys always sit, a cheerleader sticks out her foot from.under her table, tripping you. You fall to floor with a thud and food crashes down with you and gets all over you. The cafeteria bursts into laughter, Jason being the loudest out of all of them.

You pick yourself up and quickly walk out of the cafeteria. Tears rush down your flustered face as you find somewhere to hide from the embarassment.

The storage room. You open the door and close it shut. You take off your shirt, considering it had food all over it, leaving your torso covered in your tank top. And you don't turn on the light or anything just sit there. A few tears escape your eyes.

A few minutes later a  soft knock comes to the door. "Y/n? It's Frank." He said.

You sniffle and open the door for Frank, he walks in and closes the door behind him. He then turns on the light. "Y/n.." Frank embraced you, holding you closely.

You hugged him back and stopped crying.

Frank looks into your eyes and smiles. "It's okay y/n, I'm here for you."

You smile back and look into his green eyes. Frank then notices how close your faces were and blushes. You blush as well and felt the urge to kiss him. You decided to kiss his cheek instead of his lips.

Frank looks at you in surprise and smiles. "Why did you do that?" He asked lightly.

"Because I can." You say jokingly and stick your tongue out at him.

"Better watch that tongue missy." He warned.

"Oh, yeah? What ya gonna do bout it?" You say giggling a little.

Frank leans in and kisses the space on your jaw line right next to your ear. "There's a lot of things I could do with you in this storage room." He said huskily.

You look at him surprised with a dark pink blush painted on your face. Frank looks almost as surprised as you but his blush is much darker.

There was silence and the heat rises to your cheeks every minute of the thin silence.

Frank Iero x Reader FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang