And there he was

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Of course I am!

That was what Frank was thinking but he definitely wouldn't admit it.

"Jealous?! How am I jealous of that man whore?!" Frank raised his voice and stood tall. You were surprised that he would raise his voice but you stood your ground.

"Yeah, I've seen it. You glare at him and you've ignored me since I started dating him. You're jealous that he stole your new friend away." You said with a steady tone.

That's not why I'm jealous! I want to be with you but he snatched you away, why are you so fucking gullible?!

Frank held back the words he wanted to say. He held back everything and only became more angry. Not with you or the situation, but with himself.

"No, I'm not jealous that he "stole you away. I'm just angry you are so gullible to fall for a guy like that. Y/n, he is a very bad guy." He responded.

"Whatever, I still don't believe you." You say as you cross your arms and avoid eye contact.

Frank growled in a simple "grrr", and his face became light red. "Fine! Don't believe me! You'll just be another one of his whores that he fucks when he's bored." He turned the handle and flung open the door, storming down the hallway.

A rush of an ice cold feeling washes over your body. Every crook and crevice of your whole body becomes cold. In contrast of the really warm tears streaming down your face.

You bust through the door, and wiped away the tears. You walked down the hallway till you found Jason. You ran up to him and gave him a hug.

"Whoa, y/n, what's wrong? Why are ya late?" He asked in a kind tone. You become almost goo when you're in his arms, he's so sturdy and safe.

"I'm sorry, I just had a confrontation with an old friend." You say sadly.

"Aww, it's okay babe  I'm here." He hugs you a little tighter, something felt off but it didn't catch your attention that much.

You both walk to class and carry on with your day. You avoided the guys at the lunch table and the art room that day.

You came home upset and saw that your father wasn't home. He left a note saying he was going out with your art teacher.

You sighed and went straight to bed. Emotionally worn down you cuddle up with your fluffy comforter.

In the morning you made sure you looked perfect. After school your were to go to Jason's house. Both of you don't have money for an actual date but it's alright. As long as you're with him you're happy.

In the morning you did your makeup and hair perfect and put on your best clothes. Which was just a Pennywise T-shirt and your favorite pair of jeans and converse.

The day went by slow. The classes were slow, lunch was slow, the best times of the day were when you saw Jason in the hallways.

He was as excited as you were.

You didn't sit with the guys at lunch or in art again that day. But you noticed something, Frank wasn't there today. Jason started picking you up and driving you to school since you started dating so you wouldn't know if Frank got on the bus or not.

But why should you care? He was so cold to you yesterday

Frank didn't cross your mind for the rest of the day. When the last bell rang, you and Jason walked out of school hand in hand.

And minutes later you were at his house. You met his mother and ate a cookie she made. Then the both of you went downstairs to his bedroom to watch a movie...

Then Jason did something that made you slightly uncomfortable, he closed the door and locked it. "Why did you lock the door babe?" You ask.

"Just for some more privacy." He said as he sat next to you on his bed. He started the movie and put his arm around you.

The movie starts and you cuddle closely to him. He smiles and kisses your forehead. You two watched the whole movie and ate again later.

After eating you went back to his room and sat on his bed. "Now what?" You ask him with a smile as he sits down next to you.

He rubs the back of his neck. "Can I kiss you?" He blurts out. You were caught by surprise because of the question. You blushed and nodded your head yes.

He smiled brightly and leaned in to kiss you. Your lips touched his, and right then and there you knew something was wrong.

You had your first kiss a couple years ago when you were at your friend's party. And this one was just like your first kiss, no sparks.

You were confused but you kissed back anyways. And to get more comfortable you wrapped your arms around his neck. For some reason Jason took that as an initiative to lay you down on his bed.

He pressed against you, kissing you a little more roughly. You didn't like it.

"Jason, no." You say when you're free from his lips. He looks at you with confusion but then smirks.

"Come on babe, you know you want it." He says in your ear and then bites your earlobe. You push him away.

"No!" You say sternly. He looks at you with a glare.

"No? What do you mean no!?" He said, angered.

"I just, this is going too fast." You say looking down. Jason just laughs, hard. "Says the girl that goes out with a guy they she just met." He says, in a sorta wicked tone.

"Well yeah, that's becsu-" he cuts you off. "Because you think I'm hot right? Then why don't we get under the sheets." He says, biting his lip.

"I believe I said no." You said sternly once again. He just lets out a "grrr" and rolls his eyes. Then he goes over to his phone and starts to dial a number.

"What are you doing?" You ask curiously. "Well if you're not gonna put out I'm going to call a girl that will. Sorry sweety, but I guess you're too good for me." He says bluntly.

You furrow your eyebrows and tears begin to sting your eyes. "W-what?" You say in almost a whisper.

"Listen, I can't drive you home so you'll have to walk. Sorry this won't workout, I'm not gonna force to have sex with me. That's too much work. So you should leave." He says very rudely.

You stand up and just hang your head. "O-okay.." You say in almost a whisper. Jason doesn't notice your tears, he's too busy talking to his hookup.

You walk out of his room and out of the house.

You think about Frank the whole walk home. You should've listened. If only he was here to cheer you up... But you doubt it, not after what happened..

You finally approach your house after forty minutes of walking in the cold rain that had started during half of your walk.

You look over to your house and...

And there he was..

Frank Iero x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now