Back to reality (SOME LEMON)

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((Today we're gonna look over mostly Frank.))

Frank walked home after leaving your house. He feels great that he could help you. He knew Jason would hurt you so he went to your house to wait for your arrival after school. He didn't go today, because he couldn't bear with seeing you after the fight.

But he gathered his strength, just to be there for you when you got home. He felt proud, and he felt like a great friend.

Friend. God he hates that word. He hates the fact that you two are just friends. He thinks about you a lot. It's weird because he hasn't known you even for a week. But he doesn't care.

You're beautiful.

You're radiant.

And you're so kind.

His first love at first sight.

Frank walked into his home to see his mother is gone. She left a note, written in quick handwriting. It said she went out with her friends.

Frank felt a little disappointed but then he felt a slight feeling of excitement.

Finally, I have alone time.

He said in his head as he smiled. He quickly heated up the dinner his mother made him. He ate real fast and put his dishes in the sink. Then he ran upstairs to his bedroom. He turns the knob on his poster covered door, he then takes off his shoes and jacket.

He then strips himself of his shirt, his jeans and then he climbs into bed. He lays back and begins to think.

He first thinks about some stuff he should get done tomorrow.

But slowly, his thoughts wander to you. "Y/n." Frank says your name and it rolls off his tongue with admiration. It's smooth like silk and filled with passion as he says every syllable.

Frank begins to think about the first time he saw you. You were so graceful, even when in a still position in a chair. You looked like a well painted portrait. Made from the best paints, and created with precise brush strokes.

From your h/l h/c, to your feet. You were perfection. Every curve of your body, god, he wants to feel every edge, every curve of your body.

And oh my god, her e/c eyes. God they're so beautiful. He thought to himself.

Your eyes were filled with passion and kindness that you withheld in your soul. He could almost feel it radiating from you.

Your smile, so bright and beautiful. Just like your personality. In this moment, in this place, he fantasizes about your beautiful body next to him.

He was so close to you when you two wrestled, and he was afraid you'd noticed how much that excited him.

She was on top of me for god sakes.

Frank thinks about crawling on top of you instead. Pressing sweet kisses against the warm sensitive flesh of your neck. Hearing you mewl with every kiss and breath that was cascaded onto your neck.

Frank closes his eyes as his hand drifts towards his boxers. "Y/n.." He rubs his erection through his boxers and moans.

His mom isn't home, so he's not holding back any of his moans.

He imagines his hands tracing everything on your gorgeous body.

You're so beautiful.

In his imagination he brings his hand up your shirt and moves his hand closer to your left breast very slowly. Your face is pink with blush and your breathing becomes a little heavy.

He imagines taking your shirt off along with his. You both moan as your warm skin come into contact.

In his reality, he moans as he rubs his hard erection even more. Frank then takes off his boxers and wraps his left hand around the shaft.

Frank thinks about you, he thinks it's your hand that's doing this to him. "Ahh, y/n. Faster, please."

Even in his fantasy, he's putty in your hands. In his fantasy you stroke him faster.

Frank moves his hand faster and faster. He begins to writhe in pleasure, and moan your name more frequently. "Oh y/n, I'm going to cum." And after he says that, he climaxes.

His sweaty back arches off the mattress and his face becomes strawberry red.

In his imagination his essence had gotten on only your chest.

But in reality, it's only on his hand.

Frank frowns and starts to clean it up.

After everything is clean, he lays back in bed, spent and satisfied.

Frank falls fast asleep peacefully, and dreams of a future he's almost certain you two will never have.

He cherishes this dream, because when he wakes up, it's back to reality for him.

Frank Iero x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now