Hunter's eyes widen and she zoomed across the field, slipping out of Jasper's grasp. Jacob rolled in pain but he was held still by Edward's hands. "Jacob, hold on. Carlisle's gonna take care of you."

Hunter crouched down beside her friend, worry striking across her face. She couldn't lose him too. Carlisle examined Jacob's condition and he came to a conclusion, "The bones on the right half of his body are shattered."

Jacob peeled his eyes open and he finds Hunter staring back at him. "Hunter." He mumbled, sweat glistening against his skin. She grabbed onto his hand tightly, "I'm here. I'm here." She brushed his hair back lightly and held in her tears.

"Jake, you idiot, I had him!" Leah screamed, the whole pack rushing in behind her. Sam held his hand out to her, silencing her. The alpha crouched down beside them, concern covering his face.

Carlisle lifted up Jacob's arm, "I need to set the bones before his accelerated healing kicks in." Jacob lets out another groaned pain and he squeezed his eyes shut. Carlisle breathed out, "It's already starting."

"We need to get him out of here." Edward warned, feeling the Volturi closing in on them. "We're not gonna win a fight with the Volturi."

Hunter peered up at Sam, watching the conflict in his eyes. "We'll take him back to Billy's." He decided. Carlisle nodded, agreeing that he'd be there as soon as he can to help.

Wiping the sweat off his forehead, Hunter smiled, "Hang in there, Jake. I'll see you soon." She backed away from him and watched the pack lift him up before they disappeared into the forest.

"They're coming!" Alice yelled. Edward grabbed onto Hunter's hand and whooshed her back to his family, his other hand grabbing a hold of Bella's. They all form a stance, watching the Vampire Royals emerge from the trees, confidence and authority leaking around them.

Hunter lifted her eyes off the ground and she scanned the Volturi. Jane, her twin brother Alec, Demetri, Felix, and of course, her mother.

The group stops a few feet away from them and they push off their hoods. "Impressive." Willow beamed, eyeing the burning newborns with a smirk.

"I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact." Jane observered. Hunter shuffled awkwardly. She didn't want to make eye contact with the woman who gave birth to her. Just thinking about her made her sick.

Carlisle nodded and smiled, "We were lucky."

"I doubt that." Jane sneered, her red eyes dancing amongst them all. "It appears we missed an entertaining fight." Alec smirked.

"Yes. It's not often we're rendered unnecessary." Jane answered.

Hunter hugged herself, her sadness rushing back into her. "If you'd arrived a half hour ago, you would've fulfilled your purpose." Edward told them.

"Pity." Willow smirked. Her red eyes focused to the back of the crowd. A little girl stood, shying away behind the Cullen's. The poor girl had no idea of the life she's been thrown into. "You missed one."

Hunter looked back, her eyes falling on the girl half her size. She didn't even notice her. "We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender." Carlisle informed them.

Jane blinked, "That wasn't yours to offer." Fear filled the girl faster than she could blink. She wobbled in her stance when all eyes fell on her. "Why did you come?" Jane asked her.

When she didn't answer, pain shot through her and she fell to her knees with an ear piercing scream. "Who created you?" Jane asked.

Hunter frowned and turned back around, making her way to the front, much to everyone's dismay. "You won't get any answers out of her if you keep torturing her." Willow watched her daughter with glee.

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