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Chapter 3:Green With Envy

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Chapter 3:
Green With Envy

   Hunter spent a majority of the car ride staring at her hands. If she looked up for even a second, she'd find Edward staring back at her in concern and she didn't have the patience for that.

The silence left her alone to her thoughts which, was a bad thing. All she kept thinking about was what Bella needed to talk to her about. It seemed like she was angry with her, infuriated even. Maybe Bella finally caught onto why she was acting so out of character. Maybe Sam told Jacob and Jacob told Bella.

But the way Bella smiled and grasped her hand while they sat in the Cullen's living space, it made her think otherwise.

"This stranger, I didn't recognize his scent." Edward told them. His body was ridged and tense, a dead giveaway that he was angry. Anyone or anything that was dangerous to Bella, or even Hunter, was something he wanted to kill.

"A nomad passing through?" Esme suggested.

"A passerby wouldn't have left Bella's father alive." Rosalie countered.

Bella tightened her hold on Hunter's hand out of fright. The thought of Charlie being killed was something they'd blame themselves for. Jasper and Emmett filed back into the house after their scent hunt, "The scent disappeared about five miles south of Bella's house." Jasper announced.

Hunter let out a sigh and sat back. The two months of peace they had was too good to be true. She knew something like this would happen. Something always happened nowadays.

"Someone's orchestrating this." Carlisle hummed.

"Victoria." Hunter jumped. There was no doubt in her mind that the redhead had something to do with this. She could be stirring conflict, preparing for something.

"I would have seen her decide." Alice told her, her yellow eyes dancing around.

"Has to be the Volturi." Edward sneered.

Hunter's eyes flicker to his. Her stomach churned at the mention of the Volturi, the vampire cult where her mother resides, alive and well. She has gotten over her encounters with Willow but it still hurt to remember.

"I don't think it's the Volturi either. I've been watching Aro's decisions too." Alice assured her brother.

Emmett sighed, "So we keep looking."

"We'll also take shifts guarding Bella at her house." Carlisle ordered. That's when Hunter shifted uncomfortably in her spot. She didn't need them to stand guard of their house all night and all day, she was perfectly capable of protecting Bella and Charlie when they up and left.

"Another protection detail?" Rosalie scoffed, shaking her head in disbelief. She was tired of putting herself and her family at risk for this human girl.

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