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Chapter 10:Shameful Lusts

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Chapter 10:
Shameful Lusts

Dozens of tissues layed around the twin sized bed, a garbage pail leaned against the side. It was noon now, a new day, and Hunter was enduring the worst hangover. Pulling the duvet to her chin and curling into a ball, she let out a string of groans as the pain in her head kept on. She had thrown up at least three times and she's had two nose bleeds as a result. She's been cooped up in a spare room in the Cullen home all day, her activities of yesterday catching up to her.

   "I'm never— drinking again." She whispered to herself, watching the bedroom door open. Alice shuffled in with a pharmacy bag grasped in her hands. Her usual smile brightened and she made her way to the bed, easily ignoring the stench Hunter knew was lingering.

   "I come baring gifts." Alice hummed, plopping onto the bed. Hunter covered her mouth with the blanket and watched the vampire dig into the bag, "I bought some pain killers, a club soda for that stomach of yours, and this."

There was a clear bag in Alice's hand, the liquid inside a thick crimson red. Hunter immediately sat up and she grabbed the bag, examining it with a frown. 'This has to be a trick', she thought, peering up at Alice who still wore a smile. "What is this?" Hunter asked, her tone a bit demanding. She was beginning to grow paranoid again, wondering if anyone knew about Bethany.

Alice balled up the plastic bag and tossed it in the vomit ridden trash can, "It's blood. Human blood." Hunter stared at the blood bag hungrily. Completely draining Bethany only seemed to make things worse for her. Before she killed her, she could feed on a random deer and it'd last her weeks. But the second human blood hit her tounge, it unlocked a frenzy in her that she didn't even know existed. She wanted more. She needed more.

   "I know what it is, but why. Why are you giving me this?" Hunter quizzed. The bag was cold in her palm, in contrast to the warmth of a body. However, the difference wasn't important to her, especially since she was trying immensely to restrain herself.

Alice shrugged, "I snagged it from the hospital for you. We need you at full health for this newborn fight and since you're not up to hunting speed, I brought the hunted to you. Just don't tell Carlisle. Or Edward."  Hunter moved the bag between her hands, her hunger not settling one bit. The more she looked at it, the more she felt like ripping it open and draining it clean.

   "I'll leave you to it." Alice smiled, getting onto her feet. "Just make sure you discard the evidence before we get in trouble." She skipped out of the room and as soon as the door clicked shut, Hunter ripped the tube of the blood bag off and attached her mouth to the hole, squeezing the cool blood out.

Her eyes squeeze shut and she groaned, feeling better instantly. The unusual sweetness slid down her throat and heightened her senses. She was relentless. She tilted her head back and harshly squeezed the bag, thirsting for every last drop. Blood slid down her chin and coated her shirt, spare drops dripping down onto the white linen sheets. The blood was intoxicating and riveting, distracting her from the mess she was creating.

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