Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

  I meet Max by the chasm.  "You were looking for me?"  He looks at me and nods for me to follow him.  "What's going on?" I ask curiously.  "You'll see soon enough, be quiet."  I follow him to the back enterance and see trucks of supplies, simulation serum, and lots of machines, Jeanine Matthews is also there.  "Is it starting?" I ask.  He looks at me "the night of their final test, they will be injected with a simulation and we'll be able to tell the divergents from the rest, as they won't be affected."  I stare at him blankly.  "I need you to find two gaurds for this hallway so no wondering eyes find this stuff.  Can you do that?"  I nod "yes sir." 

  After my meeting with Max I go back down to the pit.  Four was waiting there with the initiates.  We all walk out and get on the train.  Once everyone is on we take off.  I sit and think about who to pick for my team, then I hear a commotion.  I get up to see Tris getting on the moving train.  I walk over to her, "who let you out?"  She pushes her hair back and says "I did" matter of factly.  "Oh, you did?"  I glare at her "well okay."  I guess she's not as weak as I thought.  "Alright! Weapon of choice!" I hold up a dart gun.  Molly scoffs "you call that a gun?"  I aim the gun at her leg and fire, causing her to groan with pain and fall to the ground.  "Neurostim dart!  Stimulates the pain of a real gun shot wound, only lasts a couple minutes.  Two teams! Four and I are captains!"  Four nods "okay, you pick first."  I nod and choose Edward.  Four picks the stiff.  "Ooh picking the weak ones so you have someone to blame when you lose?" I say.  "Something like that" he responds.  We pick the rest of our teams and get started.   I take my team over to the tower and then we get into a formation.  We wait a while then we see them.  "Light em' up!"  I yell as we throw fake bombs at them.  Four comes up to where I'm positioned, taking turns firing at eachother.  Finally I feel a sting to my leg and know I've been hit.  I fall and soon I hear cheering knowing I lost. 

  When I get back to the compound I see Lauren.  "Hey! Did you win?"  I shake my head, "nah, I don't really want to talk about it."  She comes closer to me and just looks at me.  "I think I'm just gonna head up to bed" I say and she smiles.  "Do you mind if I join you?" she asks.  My heart starts racing and my palms sweat "no, please."  She walks with me up to my room.  "Nice apartment!" She sits down on the bed and takes off her jacket.  "Thanks" I take off mine as well as I sit down on the couch.  "Don't you want to sit next to me?" she walks over to the couch and sits down.  "I just don't want to move to fast" I say feeling stupid.  "Why not?" she says in a sleepy voice as she leans in to kiss me.  "I don't know" I mumble as I kiss her back.  She starts kissing the tattoos down my neck, my heart racing.  She takes my hand and leads me to the bed, she pushes me down and climbs on top of me.  I don't stop her.

  In the morning she's still sleeping I watch her, I watch as her hair flickers every time she takes a breath.  She's beautiful.  I don't want to wake her, but stage two starts today.  I  lean in and kiss her on her bare tattooed shoulder, she has roses going down half of her arm.  I also never noticed how many piercings she has in her ears, her hair was always covering them.  She sighs a little when I kiss her neck this time.  She rolls over smiling "hi."  I kiss her "hi."  She looks around "is it morning? It's so dark in here." I laugh "yeah, unfortunatley it is."  She signs again "well I guess that means I have to get up."  She rolls over and picks up her clothes off the floor and gets dressed.  "Where's your bathroom?" I point to a door across the hall.  When she comes back I'm standing by the front door.  She comes up to me "aren't you glad we didn't take things slow?"  She laughs as she walks out the door.  I laugh also as I lock up and follow her down the hall.

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