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I strained at my bonds until I felt the muscles of my shoulders begin to snap like dry twigs. The pain means I'm alive. I thought as the two men took turns pummeling my stomach and torso with their fists. I didn't feel it though. My mind was full of horrible images of what that monster may be doing to her in the next room I wasn't blind, I saw the lust on his face as he looked at her. All men looked at her like that, she was beautiful, she screamed senusality and forbidden pleasures.

Please God no! I thought as I heard her muffled cries. She couldn't endure it. The last few months she had been forced out of nessesity to endure several officers attentions. Each time she had retreated further and further into herself refusing to talk to me about it. But I knew.

Now that man has her, and I'm powerless to stop him. Helpless.

"Why are you in Germany?" One man asked, as he delivered a vicious punch to my ribs.

The other man hit me next, in the kidney. "Who do you work for?" He screamed at me.

On and on it went, thud, thud,thud. Each punch delivered with a question. Until I collapsed to the damp floor. Then they rested their fists and began to use their heavily booted feet. Kicking me in my ribs and stomping on my hands and shoulders. My body screamed in pain. But I couldn't give into unconiousness just yet. I had to see her alive, walking back to her cell. I needed to know she was safe.

They had begun to tire, I could hear their panted breaths and seized the opportunity to take a deep breath as they mopped their brows. My ribs were likely broken, and I could taste blood and bile in the back of my throat. I took another breath, this one much shallower. Just keep breathing. You must stay alive, for Marta.

I spat out a mouthful of blood and raised my head to look at the two soldiers. They were young, impressionable. Too young to be capable of such violence. Yet here we are. I mused to myself.

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