Gunter's Letter

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I am writing this letter to tell you that I am alive, and that I am sorry.

I'm sure by now word has already reached you of my execution. I hope it pleases you to know your son still lives.

I would like to explain the circumstances that led to... well everything, and I will eagerly await your response.

I met a woman while in France, Helena is wonderful papa and we fell madly in love and married quite quickly. I'm sorry I did not send word but each time I tried to pen a letter the words would not come. I'm sorry you and mother could not be at the ceremony, but I think you both would like her very much.

I was soon promoted and sent to work at the Auschwitz camp working with Dr Mengele. Helena and I became quite close with the doctor, perhaps too close. Despite his genius the doctor was quite mad. He developed a disturbing fascination with my wife. He proceeded to fabricate a plot in which to remove me from the picture so he could have her for his own. I was court marshalled at his orders and "executed" mere minutes later. No trial, nothing. Luckily my execution was botched. I was able to escape my grave and made my way back to my home. I discovered my wife missing and my housekeeper murdered. My wife was with child at the time, what was done to her at the doctor's hands was unspeakable and the child did not survive. When I found him I do not regret to say that I did in fact kill him. That part of the story is indeed true. I rescued my wife and fearing for our lives we fled.

I know I should have stayed and explained to the comendant, should I blame my youth and inexperience? In reality I feared for my wife, for like you and mother ours is a love match. I dont know if I could live without her.

Now I reach out to you as a son of Germany, I am desperate to regain my post and restore my good name. I can only turn to you father for direction. What should I do?

Always your loving son,


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