Chapter 14 - Viewers on Both Sides

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It was a Sunday afternoon and Carly was sitting in her bedroom watching random live streams on TikTok. She didn't use the app much but when she did she always made the most of it. As the live stream she was watching came to an end, she clicked off and waited for someone else to start one.

After a while, she came across the user @xox.Kylie.xox who seemed to be quite popular on the app since she had 800+ followers. Lucky for Carly, she was live streaming!

With no hesitation, she clicked the screen and up came a 14 year old girl with light brown hair, green eyes and round glasses. She had a fringe that split in the middle and went just past her eyebrows. She was wearing pink lip gloss, blush, light brown eyeshadow and winged eyeliner. Her dress was red with shoulderless straps and the skirt part looked really bouncy and twirly.

Once Carly had joined, Kylie started doing reactions to people's TikTok's (obviously if they requested her to). First was a young looking girl who seemed quite new to the app.
"Your videos are good for someone who just joined TikTok, I know mines were a lot worse than that but your edit is a little bit off, no offence. It's just my opinion, it doesn't mean everyone else thinks that. It's just that one video though, the rest are good!" She spoke softly. She sounded like she was from maybe Texas, so she had a strong American accent.

Next was a boy who was 16. He seemed like he had been on longer, considering he had over 1k followers.
"Your videos are really good! I love your aesthetics! The only thing I would say is that because your transition in the aesthetic is a flash of white, it kind of ruins it a little bit but it's still amazing!"
The boy seemed a little bit offended but not that upset or annoyed.

Lastly was a girl who was around 12 and seemed like she had only been on TikTok or a few months.
"Don't get me wrong, your videos in general are amazing! Your transitions are really good too! The only thing I would say for you is that your slowmo parts in a few videos aren't smooth. I don't know if that just gets to me or what but it's not that big of a deal!"

All three of the people Kylie reacted to left the stream and more people joined so there were around 20 viewers.
"Like I said before, all of this is just my opinion and just a bit of constructive criticism. If that offends you in any way, I'm sorry," she said, checking the chat.

A few minutes later, around 12 of the people in the chat started saying 'You're a bully!' or 'You're mean!' or 'Stop judging people!' or 'You were so rude to those people!' which left Kylie really confused as to what she had done wrong. Trying to explain herself she said "I didn't mean for anyone to be upset or offended. I just thought that people would know that reacting meant that you got constructive criticism!"  After that propel were replying with things like "No you don't tell people bad things you only tell them good things". One person even said "I talked to the person and they said that they got really upset by you and now they are think about deleting their account and they might delete all of their videos!" but Kylie had no idea what she had done to make that many people upset.

Even after Kylie had blocked and reported people, they just kept going by logging into someone else's account and hating from there!

"You're stupid!"
"You're ugly!"
"You look like a 6 year old!"

That was the moment Carly and 3 others stepped in. "She apologised and she said it was her opinion! She can't change the past! None of the people she reacted to are even on the stream anymore so how do you know they all are even offended? Plus, you didn't even leave the stream so how could you know that this person said that they would delete their account?" Carly tried to help as much as she could.

Kylie kept apologising, saying that she regretted it and explaining exactly what she said but it was no use. No one would give up!

Suddenly, she just cracked. She just sat there, staring. Her head was going so crazy with all of the arguing, hate comments and stress that she just has a mental breakdown and let her eyes tear up. "Oh look, you've made she mad," one commented. "Just wait till she kicks your ***," said another.

A lot of people were cursing and saying really racist or inappropriate things, even though they didn't make sense. "******! ******! ******! ******!" one person repeated.
"Judge your own videos!' Someone said as if it was the obvious answer.
"Well that's not that hard! I do that all the time during editing! I hate my videos! See? This one has a terrible transition! This one isn't smooth! This one sound horrible! This one is so badly edited, I almost didn't post it! This on-" Kylie was cut off.
"What is criticising your own videos gonna do?" someone interrupted.

By that point, Kylie was so annoyed that she was just ready to give up, cry and end the stream, but she didn't.

"Delete your account!"
"Yeah! Delete it!"
"You're an *******!"
"You're ugly!"
"I've reported you!"
"Me too! That means your account will get banned!"

"Hey!" Carly started. "Why on earth would you continue watching this stream if you hate her so much, huh? She said it was her opinion! Leave her alone!"
The more people that joined, the more people went on Kylie's side. They were finally winning!

Eventually, all of the haters left and Kylie finished off the stream before ending it and getting off with just an unnecessary warning from the app, luckily not a ban. Carly followed her and messaged her to make sure that she was okay. After that they became friends and talked to each other over iMessage, Messenger and DM's. As well as that, all of the people that Kylie supposedly upset became friends with her too, showing that the people were just hating for attention.


Hi guys! A long chapter, I know! 😆 this is actually based on a recent experience that I had. I would be Kylie in that situation. I kept explaining that it was constructive criticism and I even showed them the definition but they wouldn't listen. But oh well. It's over now 😊
Hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you soon!

-DJ x

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