Chapter 13 - Mornings Go Slowly

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Mornings with this family always went in a specific way.

First to get up was always Bob, who stomped down into the living room and woke up the light sleepers.
Next to get up was always Rosalina. Since she didn't have an actual bed, there was nothing keeping her there.
After Rosalina was always Gidget because she was always woken up by Bob but didn't want to get up so she waited about 10 minutes then got up.
After that, there was a long wait before KC came downstairs.
Next was usually Carly, who would always look the exact same as what she went to sleep like.

Well, this part was always difficult. Sometimes when H and Pearl woke up, they knew that the other wasn't up yet, so they'd stay in bed until they eventually gave up.

Let's go back to the start....

In one sudden movement, Bob moved the covers and sat up. He smiled then yawned since it was a Saturday morning after a long week of tiredness. That woke up Gidget but she didn't bother moving.

As he jumped down every step then jumped onto the couch, Rosalina woke up. Her bed was basically a blanket and a pillow on the ground, so she got up and went into the living room too.

Gidget ended up getting up next. She was a light sleeper so she was usually awake between 1st and 3rd but she just decided not to get up most of the time. She made her way downstairs and sat with Bob and Rosalina and watched Friends.

KC got up next and just went downstairs and watched Friends with everyone else.

Next up was Carly. Somehow, her hair was always perfectly neat and she didn't have a different morning personality! She usually grabbed her phone from her nightstand and slowly walked into the living room while checking her notifications.

Last were H and Pearl. Pearl liked getting up last so that breakfast was already made and waiting for her in the kitchen while H liked it because he got to lie in bed for longer without any conversations.

Finally, Pearl decided to get up since she checked her phone and it said 11:04. H stayed in bed for another 5 minutes then got up too.

Hi guys. Sorry this chapter was short and boring. I'm on writers block so I have no ideas. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

thank u, next

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