Chapter 10 - Arcade Fun

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Hi guys! I know you've been waiting SOOOO FRICKIN LONG for a chapter and I'm sorry. I did have plans for this chapter but I got distracted. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. So sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. S-Anyways, see yah!

The next day, Carly had planned for her, H, Jimmy and Emilia to go to the nearest arcade! H would finally be interesting and Jimmy and Emilia were video game fanatics! At 2:00pm, her and H would go to Jimmy's house, where Emilia had had a sleepover the night before, and they would all walk up to the arcade together: which would take around 20 minutes to get to.

"Oh hi!" Jimmy waved, surprised that the two siblings were early for once. "Hey Emilia! We're going now!"
"Ok! Just give me a minute!" Emilia replied from upstairs.

A few seconds later, she came downstairs wearing a dark turquoise hoodie with a dark pink skirt and black fluffy boots. Her hair was in a side ponytail, same as Carly, who wore a white vest-type thing with a pink skirt and a black cardigan tied around her waist. On her feet were her bronze boots that usually matched everything, but it was a little off with a poofy skirt like that. Jimmy wore a sky blue hoodie on top of a light blue t-shirt and his normal everything else.

"Let's a-go!" Jimmy shouted, doing a Mario jump. Carly giggled to herself. "To Mexico!" She added, doing the same thing and running after Jimmy who was still jumping like an idiot. H and Emilia caught up with them too though, they would not look at each other.

Eventually, they reached the arcade. Jimmy was first inside with Emilia close behind. Since both of them were huge nerds, especially when it came to gaming. H and Carly both whispered "OTP! OTP! OTP!"

Most people inside were enjoying playing the games, while the others were at a mini pizzeria area with some tables next to it.

"What first?" Jimmy asked, pointing to Carly's small, dark pink handbag that hung over her shoulder. "Maybe we could get a pizza then bring it over to the arcade games?" Emilia suggested. "Well, maybe we, I've got nothing," Carly giggled though, she looked very concentrated at first.

They all went with Emilia's idea and ordered a margarita pizza (pretty much the only one Emilia could have since she's vegetarain) and walked over to a Pac-Man machine.

Though Jimmy loved games like Undertale and Five Nights At Freddy's, and he sort of liked games like Friday 13th and Creepypasta Land, he was more into modern games...but he liked those specifics.
Emilia on the other hand was more into newer games, not really new but maybe 2013-2016 released. She also liked Five Nights At Freddy's though.
Carly liked either of the two's preferences, considering she has so many game like Creepypasta Land, Undertale, Roblox and Five Nights At Freddy's on her laptop.
H didn't care about how popular the game was or how old it was, he just liked the ones he felt attracted too.

The game was a 4 player so they could all play. They decided to do boys vs girls, just to see what would happen. H and Jimmy went the Pac-Men first while Emilia and Carly went the ghosts. Then they switched. Eventually, they switched teams again to H and Carly vs Jimmy and Emilia. They repeated the same process. And again, they switched! This time it was H and Emilia vs Jimmy and Carly.

They ended up spending so much time on the one game that they only had 20 minutes before they had to leave to let Carly go out with her other friends. Jimmy and Carly spent that time playing Mario Kart, shooting hoops, using VRs and playing weird multiplayer shooting and zombie games. Emilia took time to play with the claw machines and hole and pole machines to try and win prizes. She got a VR which she gave to Jimmy, a Princess Peach plushie which she gave to Carly, a pair of wireless headphones which she gave to H, some Undertale plushies (one of each main character) but she got two Sans' so she gave one to Jimmy.

Everyone had a good time and was ready to go home...........


Carly's phone began to ring. "Nice ringtone!" Jimmy commented and winked, smiling. Carly gave him a thumbs up as a signal that she said thanks but couldn't talk. She walked over to a nearby corner.

"Hey Carly!"
"Oh hi!"
"So, we are a few minutes away from the arcade,"
"Great! See yah!"

Carly hung up.

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