Chapter 1

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Christine collapsed on the sofa with a sigh, thoroughly worn out. Finally, all the boxes were inside the house. There was still the matter of unpacking everything, but that could wait, at least until tomorrow. Already, she could feel the dull ache in her muscles from the work. Maybe hiring a moving company would've been better after all.

Letting her eyes drift shut, Christine took a few moments just to relax. The work wasn't over, not by a long shot, but she knew this place would feel like home in no time. Especially since she had discovered a new friend in the attic.

Remembering the newly acquired dummy she had found, Christine opened her eyes and looked to the other side of the couch where she had left him. Instead of sitting upright, however, it seemed the dummy had fallen over onto his side.

I must have bumped the couch while bringing stuff in, Christine thought.

"Sorry about that, Slappy," she said, sitting him straight once more. "Won't let it happen again."

She smiled, gave the dummy a pat on the head, and stood from sofa to head upstairs. Having arrived at the house in the afternoon, unloading her belongings had taken her well into the night. Christine was exhausted, her new bed all but calling her name, and she knew tomorrow would be another busy day.

/ /

  Christine had only been sleeping a few hours when a sudden crash sounded from downstairs, waking her up with a start. She waited a moment, listening hard for any other sounds. Maybe it was just her ears playing tricks on her or the remnant of a dream. But sure enough, another sharp crash came from the ground floor.

  Alarmed, Christine flung back the covers and hopped out of bed. Was somebody in her house? She grabbed her phone and flicked on the flashlight before venturing out of her room.

  The second floor was dark and there was no light coming from the staircase, not any that Christine could see, at least. She crept downstairs, hoping the old wood wouldn't creak, and peered into the living room. It was dark, but she could see a light bleeding out of the kitchen.

  Christine suddenly had the horrible realization that if there was somebody in her house, she had foolishly come downstairs completely unarmed. With nothing to defend herself, she was hesitant to proceed. Should she just go back upstairs and call the police?

  Another smash, one the sounded suspiciously like a plate breaking, emanated from the kitchen. Christine's feat was replaced by a sizzling sense of annoyance. Someone had broken into her house just to smash her plates?

Indignant, she marched over to the doorway of the kitchen, intent on confronting the intruder. However, as she rounded the corner, Christine was surprised and confused to see nobody was there. A box of her dishes that she had packed had been torn open. The shattered remains of a few plates littered the kitchen tile. Even stranger was that the ventriloquist dummy she had seated on the couch earlier in the day was now lying in the middle of the wreckage on the kitchen floor.

"This is seriously weird..." Christine muttered to herself.

She did a quick shoulder check, not entirely convinced she wasn't being punked. But alas, there were no hidden cameras. Carefully stepping around the shards of ceramic, Christine lifted the dummy off the floor, brushing him clean.

How did he get here...?

Maybe there was someone in her house after all? Holding the dummy with one arm and her phone with the other hand, Christine meticulously went through every room in the house, flicking on lights and checking for stowaways. She even double checked the front and back doors. They were still locked as she had left them.

None of this was making sense, but Christine was quickly becoming too tired to care. The adrenaline of waking up in the middle of the night to what she thought was a burglar had worn off, leaving her feeling drained. She trudged back to her room, stifling a yawn. Only when she sat down on the bed did she realize she was still carrying the dummy. She stood and set him on one of the many suitcases of her clothes.

"Looks like you're spending the night in here with me," she said, chuckling tiredly.

She made sure that Slappy wouldn't fall before finally crawling back into bed. It didn't take long until Christine was asleep once more. She didn't see the menacing shine of the dummy's eyes in the dark room.

/ /

  Morning came far too early. Christine hadn't even opened her eyes, but already knew she was still tired. Last nights escapades certainly didn't help. Speaking of, her sleep-addled brain still didn't know what to make of that. It had been weird. Like, weird weird. No matter what way she tried to rationalize it in her mind, there was always something that didn't add up.

Maybe this place really is haunted, Christine thought sleepily.

The thought was amusing, but one Christine put absolutely no stock in. There was a logical explanation for what happened last night. She just hadn't found it yet. It would come to her soon enough, though. She was certain of it.

  As the fog of sleep slowly lifted, an uncomfortable pressure made itself known on Christine's chest. Was she coming down with something? The last thing Christine needed was to be bedridden with a terrible cold or flu while she wasn't even settled into her new home. She supposed she'd have to dig out some cold meds from one of the boxes.

Resolving to do just that, Christine opened her eyes only to be met with the face of Slappy, the ventriloquist dummy, who was sitting atop her chest.

And he was looking back at her.

wow so i haven't updated in a billion years lol

but i mean when the inspiration hits, it just hits you know?

so i know this one's a lil shorter but this was just such a perfect ending point!

i hope y'all enjoyed it! sorry it took so long lol

i'll try to get the next one out soon, but i make no promises x3

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