chapter 33 .

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Liam's POV :

I 'm feeling so lonely and empty inside since she left , she knew me better than i know my self and zayn did also then why they did that too me ?

What's wrong have i done to them so i can be payed back like this ?

Lately i'm not talking to anyone , ignoring their texts and calls unfortunattly you can never ignore modest ( ugh ) , i got a message from them saying that we need to be in an important interview to announce and promote our new album . I have to be there no matter how hurt or angry iam or emotionally and mentally tired , work and fans always comes first .

I gave up on hiding in my house as i decided to go out to the interview and try to face the boys but i was a little late so they didn't have the time to ask me the stupid questions i was expecting .

First thing my eyes caught was harry's reactions , he was giving me mad looks like i did a crime or somthing but i also ignored it as i heard the interviewer calling for us , we all sat , me next to zayn and harry next to louis and niall on the middle .

" So your new album called FOUR ... ? " the interviewer started to talk and they all responded with smiles and laughs but i couldn't think off of last night , it's like my mind is about to blow .

" yes we're pretty excited for the fans to hear it " Niall said quickly and i just nodded .

" so Liam ? " she iterrupted my train of self questions as i was looking down and i immediately looked up to face her .

" yes ? " i replied while faking a smile .

" since you are the daddy directioner .. can you give an advice to your lovely directioners ? " she mouthed with a silly smile , obviously she was faking it while pointing at me and i unwilinglly started to answer that silly question .

" yes , first of all don't drink too much guys because drinks will make you lose your mind and cheat on the person you love okay ? Don't trust anybody- everyone is a douche even your closest friends oh and try to stay away from getting pregnant -..." i couldn't stop talking while i was watching zayn's reaction after he find out that i know all , yes guilt and regret ? Believe me being stabbed in the back is worst .

I had so much more to say i couldn't control my self , i was facing a really bad and hard time but i stopped when zayn touched my hand so i can't continue talking , i turned around to my right and gave him mad looks , someone told them to stop shooting then i got up and start to walk away .

" Liamm ! " obviously it was zayn following me , how could he even face me ?

" what ? " i raised my voice .

"You know it was -.. "

" A mistake ? Oh yeah " i cutted him off and laughed nervously , trying to hold my anger inside .

" stabbing me in the back , right ? " i muttered walking closer to him so no one can hear us .

" Bro i swear we were drunk "

" how could you do that to me ? " i pushed him to the wall letting the anger control me because i lost it once again .

" stop it. You didn't even love her so wh-.. " zayn spoke threwing his hands on air but i didnt let him finish .

" i loved her and i still do " i pleaded after i hitted my hand on the nearest wall .

" you never did ... " he said once again , i didnt reply i just grabbed his first buttom of his shirt and just about to beat him in the face but he decided to speak .

" you didn't even want us to know her, why she was your little secret ? Huh ? " he yelled which made me stop and take a step back .

" managment , managment made me do that . Fuck " i finally admitted while rubbing the back of my head .

" i don't know "

" but he wasn't ? " i whispered again walking and coming backawards not able to control my nerves , i wanted to scream at that point i've never thought i'd be in such a crappy situation as this now .

" but you weren't drunk .. " i mouthed again walking towards him then turning on the opposite direction so i won't make another mistake i'd regret .

" i'm-.. Sorry" he apologized but this can't turn back time , can't do anything about my broken heart .

" ya both are unbeleivable " we got inturrepted by Harry .

" it's not about you two , it's about her feelings .. " he added looking at us in such a different way .

" im done with this shit ? " i had enough for a moment i couldn't take it . I was losing myself...

I started to made my way out of the hallway but harry stoped me .

"she had enough too "


Zayn's POV :

After finally finished with that interview everyone left to their houses and all i wanted to do is go home and hug Ria .


" hey " i said slowly after i got home , i looked miserable of all what happened today but seeing Ria's face make me smile .

" bad day ? " she said with a frown after studying my face , i nodded .

" i watched the interview " she spoke while looking down , still looking tired of what happened with her yesterday .

" he is just hurt you know " i stated trying my best to make her feel better , even a little .

" but people make mistakes " she slwoly told again and i walked closer to her and gave her a tight embracment because i knew that what she wanted , that whats all she needed


Yes people do mistakes but those doesn't define you .


Anyways guys .. i started to lose reads and i dont know why .. if something is wrong please tell me coz im not happy about it

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Thank ya'all ily ♡♥☆★ °•°•°•°

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