10 | Secret revealed.

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Liam 's P.O.V:

The day when I  go back home had finally came, I missed home and I missed Ria and the boys.

♪♫ Back for you  ♪♫ is on reply and I can't get Ria out of my mind, I hope she had fun with the boys and I can't wait to see them all, and to let  them know everything. I am gonna tell'em everything. The  day that I have been waiting for is right here knocking the door,  all I need to do is open it.


 We arrived to the airport but no one was there, no one came to pick me up, even Paul ? what the hell ?.

I've waited for a while then after few minutes, I looked up  and  noticed  zayn while he was waving with  his hand from outside the airport,  I stopped taking pictures with some fans that were there and picked my bags from the floor and walked towards him .

" oh, finally someone rememberes me." I spoke sassilly, as i'm holding my bags breathing out. he gave me a tight hug  then helped me puting them on the car's back door .

" Sorry buddy, I totally forget. " he replied as we both hoped  in the car.

" Why ? you have babies at home ?" I exclaimed  as i'm teasing him slapping him at the arm .

" No, I thought Paul and the other pals are coming to getcha  " he stated looking up at me.

" and thank god Ria remind me  " he added,  hearing her name made me draw a huge grin on my face .

" Thank god . I missed her so much " his hazel eyes were shinning as he joined my smiles and laughs .


 After twenty minutes or more we arrived at home. I opened the door slightly and quitely hoping I could surprise Ria and let behind me Zayn taking care of the car and the bags .

" I'm back " I exclaimed excidetly from the door step  after I took two slow steps while looking around. I saw someone running towards me, she jumped and hugged me so tight, I gave her a quick passionate kiss as I ran my fingers throught her  brown long hair.

" I missed you ." she mouthed slowly,I pulled her down.

Zayn came out from the door and the boys followed him, oh they are here finally .

 " Niaaaaaaall " I yelled trying to put down Niall who was  just climbing my body and didn't want to let me go .

" miss you buddy  " louis pleaded giving me an embracment .

" how was France ? " Ria demanded, as I watched her sitting next to Harry on the sofa.

" It was incredible, we should go there together someday. " I pleaded, while  smiling widely at her.

" Biensur, au future peut_étre  " she spoke with a french accent .

" you can speak french ? " I asked surprisingly, while looking at her widely.

" ouais   " she answered one more time  rolling her eyes up to me.

" there's alot of things I still don't know about you ." 

 We kept talking about stuff but I noticed that  Zayn didn't join our conversations
, he didn't say a word since I stepped in this house. He seemed  all moody today besides he's looking dawn at the ground all the time. I don't know the reason why.

" What is  wrong zayn ? " I asked curiously.

" nothing man, I'm just so hungry. " he replied, finally drawning a tiny smile on his  face.

" Maybe it's time to go and eat! " I exclaimed giving Niall a familliar look and he just  started to jump around.



  After  arriving to that place, well Niall was the first one who hoped out from the car, when it's comes to food he will be excite . we all sat down and I called the waitress to order the food which will take a little bit of the time, so I took this short time to finally tell them the truth and to revealed our secret.

 " Don't freak out ." I stated first, making sure they won't do or tell anything stupid and that they are listenning, everyone gave attention.

" so guys, I wanna tell you something I've been hiding  for a while. "I added, as I looked at Ria, she was looking down.

" you're  getting married ?  " Louis interrupted me off and everyone  else just laughed, I didn't.

" No " I sternly declared,  looked up to everyone 's face trying to let them know that I am serious this time.

" well  -.. me and Ria  - .. are together " I slowly pleaded, while  smiling as I took Ria's hand and kissed it.  she gabe me a   small shy  smile.

" wow, that's great buddy " Harry said  as he smirked.

" Good news " Niall stated too , well at least they didn't get mad or didn't ask me why I hid that.

then a familiar voice inturrupted " What ?".

" When ? " he added with an angry look on his face.

 " I told you ." I replied anxiously, hoping that he don't have a problem with it.

"  Why you didn't tell us before ?" he exclaimed again as he pushed the chair and stood up then started walking outside the restaurant.

  Everyone looked wierdly at him same as me because I knew there was something since the morning, I felt like he is not okay and something is going on with him but I never figure out that something .

" well, I just told you. "I  repeated, while standing  quitly trying to calm him  down and bring him in to the restaurant again but he ignored me.

" well, it's too late " he said after he came back in then grabbed his jacket and walked out, what did he mean by too late ? but what captivated me was Ria following  him . Not the boys and  not me But Ria .

" what the hell is going on  here ?? " I  Shouted, threwing my hands up with madness  as I looked back to the boys not moving from my place .

" you used to tell him everything , maybe  that's the  reason ? " Harry said convencing me but let's be real,  he won't get mad for that  stupid  reason like this.


Zayn's P.O.V  :

  I got some bad feeling since the moment  Liam came back and when he admited it or declared it, I couldn't take it. Now  Iknow why Ria was acting this way since the morning , even the day before. now I know why i felt something wrong since Liam took us to the restaurant and why he was so serious about it. but kissing hands and the way they treated eachother was just too much,  all my doubts were right. my heart crushed, I couldn't handle  it, I couldn't let it inside i got mad and angry . I lost control for a second  and wanted to beat him, but I couldn't , he's my best freind, why he didn't told me before ? and Ria, why she kept this from me  ? Shit.

 The truth is much  harder and painful, I'm a broken heartesd right now , I don't wanna see them again, especially togethether ! . Fuck, I don't think I can  take it anymore.

I just beated the glass of the car with my hands because of anger then turned out to find her behind me.

" how could you do that ? Damn it . " I yelled at her, and threw my hands up to the sky then let them down  after noticing there were  tears in her eyes too .


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