《 Epilogue 》

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Ria's P.O.V :

" Nina " i started to call one of the pridemaids out loud feeling frustrated because i couldn't zip the fancy dress i bought and it's all because of my bump was getting bigger so faster just like how fast things gone lately , and i mean by that Sam's engagement to her boyfriend since highschool and their fast decisions to get married as fast as possible , all things were going fast and it's amazing me how fast the night changes .

Today is the biggest day for my best friend and the day we all waited , the worst thing could ever happen in this day is not looking good and especially to a made of honor , that's what happening to me right now and i'm freaking out .

" god damn it Nina " i called out loud again looking frustrated and just wanting to punch someone in the face .

" coming , coming " i finally heard her answer from the next room .

" why the fuck you guys left me alone here , i can't even zip this freaking dress " and here when my mood swings started .

" c'mon Ria you look awesome " she tried to convince me but i didn't agree at all .

" i look like a potato in this dress.. gosh this isn't suppose to happen " i complained running my hands up and down the dress and pointing at my bump , i was at the fifth month and all i was doing is gaining weight .

" help me out here " she called out another bridesmaid as she caught her walked into the room .

" hold your breath " Nina ordered and i obeyed holding my breath for few minutes then spelled under my tongue as i couldn't take it but hopefully now it was full zip , we all sighed of relief .

" now see how beautiful you look " jenna complemented with a little grin .

" say it again and you know what will happen " i said sternly as i was still all moody and feeling insecure but i liked my simple white long dress anyways and the boys helped me picked it so i'm okay with it now .

I walked out of the room and headed to the bride's room , i promised her that i'll do her make up and some girls told me she is ready , i went in to find Sam with a beautiful mermaid white dress and i got emotional , i stood up there watching her as she made few steps towards me then hugged me tight .

" you look so beautiful " i admired running my fingers through her untie curly hair .

" you too " she smiled big , beside the pressure we both were happy that day .

" now you look perfect " i pleaded as i was done with the make up , she wanted just a simple make up and that's how it was and indeed she looked perfect , i think the secret is in simplicity they were right when they said simple but effective .

" are you ready boo ? " i asked as i helped her get up and walk few steps then handed her to her dad who was waiting in the door with so many emotions drawing on his face , happiness and proud is one of them .

After that we all hurried to the church and took our specific places as the beautiful melody started to play and the bride with her dad started to walk down the aisle , i could see little girls with their beautiful dresses throwing roses and flowers with wide smiles , as the groom noticed his pretty bride walking towards him and looking all perfect , a wide smile appeared and i've never saw them looking so happy as they are now , they finally reached him and the father found a difficult handing his daughter and we all laughed at this moment , i looked away to see that the boys are all here i caught Harry who was in a black tux and waiting for my attention , when he got it he uttered " we're next " with a wide smile and shining in his eyes , i bit my lip trying to hide my wide smile then i looked again to the couples infront of me who started doing the wedding ceremony and knowing Sam all my life i bet she never looked at someone the same look she's looking at him right now .

with saying " i do's " and exchanging the wedding rings and after sweet kisses , the whole air was magical now they are man and wife !


The dance party started after everyone finished their plates , one after one started to get up and i looked at Harry who was looking at me in different way , i know he was thinking of something ridiculous .

" don't even think of it , i can't dance " i declared looking not only at Harry but at zayn and Niall too , Louis and Liam were already on the floor

" ofcourse you can " Harry started

" uh c'mon " zayn followed

" get up " Niall said taking my hand helping me up then handing me to Harry .

" i'll only let you spin me " i muttered while placing my hands behind his neck and he smirked , i could see behind him Liam and his new girl Ellie , i talked to her once Liam brought her home and she looked nice and so sweet , i never thought Liam would date a fan but i'm happy for them .

Harry turned me on the other side slowly so i could made an eye contact with Louis as he smiled big to me while dancing with Nina , i can see something happening out there .

This time Harry and zayn exchanged girls so now i'm at zayn's arms as a slow music started to play , i looked at his beautiful hazel eyes that i once fell for and sent a friendly smile and he leaned forward to hug me , not so tight because of my bump .

Loud music started to play and i went back to my chair with zayn and Harry followed as we were all watching the bride and her man having fun and dancing to the rythem of their favorite song , Harry wrapped his arms around my waist makiing me rest my head to his chest and i felt warm .

" i think they finally found love " i uttered to harry still looking at them and the way they look at eachother .

" i hope they won't let it slip away  " harry added looking down at me with a lovely  smile while thouching my bump and still watching them .

" i love you " he suddenly mouthed slowly looking straight and deep into my eyes .

" i love you too " i mouthed still looking at him when he then leaned forward and gently pecked my lips placing his hands on my bump and mine joined as our forheads met and still smiling to eachother .


I think that was the beginning , yes . we don't know what will happen next or what life will bring but that was our happy beginning to our ' maybe ' happy ending .


A/N :

So guys this is the epilogue of my first book ..i hope ya'all like it..and thanks youuu for the support so far .. i love ya all ♡

And pls if you got questions about the book ..leave on comments and i'll answer them on the sequel ..please spread the word and leave your feedback i'd appereciate it xx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2015 ⏰

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