16 | secret revealed.

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 Harry's P.O.V :

 Since I felt that there's something wrong with zayn, I decided to talk to him about what was  going on.

" what's wrong with you ? " I slowly asked after I sat right next to him on a corner of his window.

" we need to talk " I  added as I realized that  the fake smile on his face is gone.

" about  what ?" he asked, looking curiously at me.

" about you ." I replied.

" what do you wanna know ? " he shouted, raising his hands a little bit  then looked down , I was on my feet again as I walked towards the door and locked it just to make sure that no one is around.

" so , since when and you're hiding stuff from me ? " I clearly talked.

" what do  you mean exactly ?" he let out a stupid wonder again, he is acting like he doesn't know or like he don't get me but I'm not that stupid.

" where were you last night? " I questioned  while  rubbing my forhead.

" I slept in my mom's house " he mouthed , I could see in his eyes that he lied, I mean he's my best friend  and my brother why he's  lying at me while I know him more than he does.

" you're  lying " I stated looking at his sleepy eyes .

" No , I'm not .." he said then I cutted him off " I said you're lying Zayn, I know you " I talked more loudly this time .

"Okay, fine." he finally giving up after taking a long time to talk .

" I spent all night a club. "

"Again ? " I exclaimed  which made him look weirdly at me.

" let me continue ,  then I went to Liam and Ria's house " he added glaring outside the window .

" for what ?" I curiosuly asked, is like he wanna tell me their secret and finally.

" actually ,i ..ii i forget my watch there when I went to see Ria last time " he admitted hestinatlly , he finally gave up on that little secret.

" oh my god ! .. don't tell me you guys  did it ? " I talked, raising my voice a little bit, I was so worried. I mean Liam came just for 3 days and the problems began , the Secrets and lies.

" umm ...yeah " he slowly  replied then looked down, I was so surprised, both of them are my best friends and no one thought of telling me the truth, the worse part is Liam is my best friend too.

" and Ria ? " I asked again, when I mentioned her name his mood just turned off quickly .

" what about her ? " he spoke  angrily.

" she likes you .. " I continued.

" nope , she doesn't  give a fuck " he stated as he look down at  his feet .

" Zayn , stop hurting her by hurting yourself

" okay I gotta go " I added,  spelling out my last words then left.


Ria 's P.O.V :

Liam told me that he will be out for a while ,thank god . it won't be there other heart attacks,  but I really need to tell him the truth. he gave me everything but I treated him like a cold winter night, mistakes play a big role in my  destiny but if only  I knew what I know today.

I turned off the TV and walked towards my room with a cup of juice on my right hand. I opened the door to find Harry standing there and looking at me in a totally different and weird look, what now ? .

" Humm , what is going on Harry ? What is this new weirdoo look  on your face ? " I wondered as I'm teasing him pointing with my hands at his face.

" you lied too,you hide again ?" he yelled at me breaking his scary silence  as he stand up and stepped closer.

" okay , come on. " I mouthed as I grabbbed him from his shoulders and get him into the sofa.

" calm down harry, lied about what ? " I muttered trying to calm him down.

" about that thing -.. you -.. and -.. Zaynn ughhhh " he kept shouting and yelling and not making any sense but I got him since the first second he start to talk .

" What ? umm ..sorry but I told you before that  this life's making me hide a lot of stuff even from you and I apologized before, didn't I ? " I quitely explained to him, repeated  how many things I' m hiding even from my best friend.

" but this a big thing and I'm your -.. uh friend " he exclaimed walking around, going and coming because he couldn't just  look straight at me.

" But Liam .." he mouthed again while running his fingers through his hair which made the huge pain in my heart grow as faster as I heard his name, I don't know how to tell him or what to tell him, that night was just a mistake but a beautiful one.

" I don't know what to do. I don't know how to tell him, that's why I hate my life . because  I have to tell him that  and I'll hurt him if he ever  knows. " I sadly  admitted.  I couldn't take it abd end up crying on Harry's arms.

" it's okay .. do-.. don't cry,  just make sure that he won't know, Hiding is better than Hurting for now." he pleaded puting his arms around me.

" I don't want ever face him and tell him this , it will be like I shot him straight into the heart. " 

" it's okay honey ,hasb .. do you wanna go out  ?" he slowly asked as he ran his fingers through my long  hair that was falling all over my face.

" No, Liam will be here in every minute ." I responded, wipping my tears as I tried to get myself together.

" okay, I'm gonna leave now , promise me you'll be alright ?" he spoke as he looked at me at the eyes one last look before he left, I nodded.

" and trust me, you don't want Liam to feel  anything wrong, okay ?" he added.

" yeah , yeah Harry just go. " I talked while pushing him out of the room.

Isn't  weird that  two people who are close to eachother,  but the disctance's  killing them inside, like there's like miles  far away between them, two hearts that will never be united, two persons who will never admit  their love, two diffrent worlds but one feeling. Love.

Two confused, lost   persons are dying to be with each other, it's impossible because  there's always a third angle in the triangle, there's always someone or something trying to ruin the beautiful things, perhaps it's me in this case.

And there's always something in my head keep repeating , a voice keep saying  to follow my heart but my heart is for two and I can't share it with two .

if I could only turn back time and get back my life, if I only can fall again with the same guy I fell for before, if I could only save us all from this ship geeting under . 

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